Meeting Shion, facing a old friend

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Hey guys, sorry for the long delay.

Kevin: About damn time! It's been forever since you updated !

Yeah yeah, i know i know. I made this story because it just popped in my head and i could't  get it out. Which is why i don't really have much motivation for it.

Kevin: Well? You kept  people waiting long enough, get your rear in gear!

Don't tell me how to write my stories, anyways he's right about one thing, you all waited long enough, so on with the chapter.

 One day in card capital 2, Y/n was training with Misaki, she has been training Y/n for the Oracle think tank and Genesis clans.

Chorno had cardfighting a blonde Royal Paladin clan named Shion Kiba, it ended in Chorno's victory, but it's clear a rivalry has been born between them.

 Before Shion left, a old friend of Y/n's appeared and challenged him. While tired, Misaki wanted to see the fruit of their training, so Y/n accepted.

 The challenger was a girl of the age, her name is Emilie De Rochefort, or Lili was everyone calls her. The two met when Lili was being kidnapped by thugs because of her family's wealth, Y/n helped her to escape. But two things happened that day, first Lili's desire for battle was awoken, which was bad as her father dislikes violence. 

Second was she had declared him her fiance, clearly thinking him as her knight with shining armor. Unfortunately (Or fortunately depending on who's your asking) her father approves of this, as does F/n and M/n. The former thinks they're prefect for each other while M/n hopes for grandchildren.

 They placed their starting vanguard face down and draw five cards, before they began Y/n hoped one of Lili's rivals won't show up yet. Knowing both blondes haven't seen eye to eye since a accident a few days ago, Y/n shudder to think the damage they'll do as both are more then enough experience in hand to hand combat.

"I wonder how's she's doing?" Y/n thought as they returned few cards to the deck, shuffled and redraw as another blonde heiress in red appeared in his mind.

Stand up "the" Vanguard!

Y/n: Godhawk, Ichibyoshi

Lili: Little witch Lulu

Turn 1 

Lili: I'll begin, i draw. 

Lili: I ride Emerald Witch Lala <7000>

Lili: I call Dark Cat. Calling Dark calling behind Lala. And with her skill we both draw.

Lili: Turn end.

 Damage: 0/0

Hand: 5/6

Y/n: My turn, i draw

Y/n: I activate Godhawk, Ichibyoshi's skill, i check the top five cards of the deck, and since Goddess Of The Crescent Moon Tsukuyomi is among them i can superior ride. <7000>

 Y/n : I then call Oracle Guardian Gemini <8000> and Weather Girl, Milk<6000?

Y/n: Gemini attacks!

Lili: No guard. Damage check, no trigger

Y/n: Goddess of the Crescent Moon Tsukuyomi attacks with a boost from Milk, with Milk's skill add 4000 power! <17000>

Lili: No guard

Y/n: Drive check, got it draw trigger add 5000 power then i draw < 24000>

Y/n: End end

Y/n the user of the zeroth dragons and the reverse unitsWhere stories live. Discover now