Meeting Tohoka and facing the grade three maniac

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One day at card capital 2, Y/n was relaxing after a few cardfights. Unfortunately his relaxation would to an end in 3..2..1


There it is..

Y/n shot a annoyed look at the door, where Kevin charged in from. Y/n in response pulled out a large paper fan out of nowhere , he then narrowed his eyes at the idiot.

Said idiot took a few steps back, sweating. ", can't we talk this over a cup of green tea or something?" He asked nervously.

Y/n merely gave him a cold smile. "No" He said before lifting the fan over his head. 

Chorno was walking in, until..


He was surprised when a human body was sent across the room.

He looked around with a sweatdrop, that's when he saw Y/n with a smoking paper fan in his hand. 

Kamui then walked over. "Yeah... that usually what happens when Y/n get's really ticked off. He said with a sweatdrop. " Last i heard, he managed to knock out some brain cells, so try and stay on his good side okay? "

Chorno could only nod, before blinking when the paper fan disappeared into thin air.  

Deciding not to question it, Chorno walked over to Y/n to chat.

A few minutes later

Y/n was challenged to a cardfight by someone named Morikawa, Y/n accepted, but He and Kamui wasn't expecting a good fight as they both knew what Morikawa's play style is like .   

Stand up "the" Vanguard

Turn 1

Y/n:  Dimensional Robo Daimagnum <5000>

Morikawa: Mecha trainer <5000>

Morikawa: I'll start thing off, i draw

He then shows his hand, causing Y/n to sweatdrop when he sees their all grade 3's , which was typical him

Morikawa: Allow me to demonstrate the G assist, If i don't have a unit to ride on, i can reveal my hand, i then check the the top five card of my deck and search of a unit to ride. If i added one, i shuffle the rest back to the deck before removing two cards from my hand and G zone from the game. And that my friend, is how you perform a G assist. Smug

Chorno was in awe, but Y/n and Kamui had blank looks.

Morikawa: I ride wonder boy<8000>

Morikawa : Turn end

Damage: 0/0

Hand :4/5

Turn 2

Y/n: My turn, draw

Y/n: I ride Dimensional Robo Dailander <6000>, then i call Daitiger  <7000> and Dailion <7000>, riding Dailander before calling Daitiger to the left and Dailion to the right. 

Y/n: Daitiger attacks, with his skill add 3000 power <10000>

Morikawa: No guard, damage check, no trigger

Y/n: With a boost from Daimagnum, Dailander attacks the vanguard <12000>

Morikawa: No guard

Y/n: Check the drive trigger, got it critical trigger. Power to Dailion, critical to the vanguard

Morikawa: Damage check no trigger, no trigger

Y/n: Daillion attacks

Morikawa: No guard, no trigger

Y/n the user of the zeroth dragons and the reverse unitsWhere stories live. Discover now