Link joker vs Gear chronicle

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Sorry for the wait, i wasn't confident enough to write a cardfight till now. It's my first time writing one so go easy on me.

Y/n: Star vader dust tail unicorn< 5000>

Chorno: Gunnergear Dracokid <5000>

Y/n: My turn, i draw.

Y/n: I ride  Mana Shot Star vader Neon <7000>

Y/n: Dust tail moves back. Moving it behind the vanguard

Y/n: Turn end

Y/n's hand: 5

Y/n's damage :

Chorno's damage :

Chorno: My turn, i draw.

Chorno: I ride Masergear Dragon.< 8000>

Chorno: Gunnergear moves back. Moving it behind the vanguard

Chorno: I call Gear Wolf. <7000> Calling it to the front left circle 

Chorno : Gear Wolf attacks.

Y/n: No guard. Damage check, no trigger 

Chorno: With a boost from Gunnergear, Masergear attacks.

Y/n: No guard

Chorno: Drive trigger check . No trigger

Y/n: Damage check. No trigger

Chorno: Turn end

Chrono's hand: 5

Y/n's Damage: 2

Chorno's Damage : 0

Y/n: My turn, draw

Y/n: I ride Strike Star Vader, Krypton < 10000> 

Y/n: Call, Neon and Unrivaled Star-vader, Radon< 9000>. Calling Radon to the front right circle and Neon behind him

Y/n: With a boost from Neon, Radon attacks. With his skill if a Star Vader is in the vanguard circle add 3000. <19000> 

Chorno: No guard, damage check no trigger.

Y/n: Krypton attacks. <15000>

Chorno: No guard

Y/n: Check the drive trigger, got it critical trigger, all effects to the vanguard.

Chorno: Damage check, no trigger, got it draw trigger i draw. 

Y/n: Turn end 

Y/n's hand: 4

Y/n's Damage : 2

Chorno's Damage: 3

Chorno: My turn. Stand and draw.

Chorno: I ride Smoke Gear Dragon. < 10000>

Chorno : Next Gear Wolf moves back, Then i call Upstream Dragon, <9000> Glimmer Breath <9000> Dragon and Steam Breath Dragon. <7000>  Moving Gear Wolf back and calling Glimmer Breath in front of it and calling Upstream in the front right and Steam Breath behind him .

Chorno: With a boost from Steam Breath, Upstream attacks. <16000>

Y/n: Star-vader, Apollonel Dragon will guard that < 20000>

Chrono: Smoke Gear attacks.<15000>

Y/n: No guard.

Chorno: Drive check, got it critical trigger, power to Glimmer Breath, critical to Smoke gear! 

Y/n the user of the zeroth dragons and the reverse unitsWhere stories live. Discover now