Meeting one of the nation six, facing against the master of the Dragon empire

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At Card Capital 2, Y/n was having a cardfight with the members of a team named Trinity dragons. He won all three cardfights easily, lets see the endings of each cardfights shall we?

Y/n's cardfight with Tsuneto.

Damage Y/n 4 / Tsuneto 3

Y/n: Stand and Draw. Liberating the generation zone, generation stride, Moon Deity Who Governs Night, Tsukuyomi. < 26000>

Y/n: Skill of the Miko of the Morning Moon, Haruzuki i used for the stride cost. When used to stride and i have a Tsukuyomi unit on my vanguard circle or in the soul, one Noble unit gets 5000 power along with a skill. I choose my vanguard. <31000>

Y/n: Then i activate  Tsukuyomi's skill. *Flips another copy in his G zone face up and places a Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi in his hand to the soul* Look at the top cards of my deck, add two to my hand, send the rest to the bottom of my deck in any order i wish.

Y/n looked at the top five card and added two to his hand and sent the rest to the bottom of his deck.

Y/n: Call, Miko of the Daybreak Moon, Akizuki. <9000> Activating skill, soulblast one and look at the top card to decide to leave it the top or send it to the bottom. *Leaves it at the top* Add 2000 power. <11000> Then i call Silent Tom <8000>.

Y/n: Tsukuyomi attacks Supreme Heavenly Battle Deity, Susanoo with a boost from Gemini. <39000>

Tsuneto: Complete guard!

Y/n: Triple drive, first check (Psychic bird) Critical trigger, all effects to Silent Tom, <13000> second check, (Goddess of the full moon, Tsukuyomi), third check, (Psychic bird) Critical trigger, once again, all effects to SIlent Tom <18000>, here he comes with a boost from Gemini. <26000>

Tsuneto looks at his hand and the only cards he has that has a shield are grade zeros, cards he can't use because of Silent Tom's effect.

Tsuneto: N-No guard Damage check (Divine Sword, Ame-no-Murakumo), ( Divine Sword, Ame-no-Murakumo), ( Supreme Heavenly Battle Deity, Susanoo) I- I lost

"Maybe now you'll think twice before talking smack around me." Y/n said as he regathered his cards.

"Y-you just got lucky! Lets see how you fare against all of us."

Small timeskip


Ultimate Dimensional Robo,  Great Daikaiser attacked Enigma tornado, dealing the sixth damage.

Another small timeskip


School Special Investigator, Leo-pald Chaser attacked Famous Professor, Bigbelly, ending the cardfight.

"What was that about being lucky?" Y/n sarcastically asked a defeated Team Trinity dragons.

Y/n then read about a event at the dragon empire branch , curious , he went there to see what's going on. After managing to navigate though the crowd, he saw what or who was causing such the excitement.

 After managing to navigate though the crowd, he saw what or who was causing such the excitement

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Y/n the user of the zeroth dragons and the reverse unitsWhere stories live. Discover now