Chapter 1-Oliver Kirkland

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______=Your name

 Chapter 1-Oliver Kirkland

"I'm home!" I said as my mother came into the front doorway and gave me a kiss on the cheek as she hung my jacket up, as I took my shoes off. 

"How was school _______?" Mom asked as I sighed a bit.

"It was like always of course, no difference at all." I said as I went up into my room changing out of my school uniform and throwing my schoolbag onto the ground before going back downstairs and going into the kitchen to grab something to eat when my mom said something, but I didn't quite catch it.

"What was that mom?" I asked as she came back into the kitchen, I guess she was cooking or something because there were pans and plates and you know, food.

"I said, that there is a new bakery at the corner, you should go and check it out." Mom said as she went back to her cooking as well.

"Oh....Alright then, um, I'll be back later than mom, love you, see ya." I said as I went to the front door way again and put on my shoes, and headed out. I walked over seeing this new building, that was all pink and purple, and the title on the building said "Kirkland's Bake and Cake". I chuckled a bit at the name, thinking it was kinda cute to name a bakery that. The door had a sign on it which said "Come in poppets! We are open~!" so of course, it greeted me in and I was inside. I closed my eyes as I could smell sweet aroma. I took in a deep breath and sighed in complete heaven.

"Why hello there poppet~! Welocme to Kirkland's Bake and Cake!" A male voice that had a thick british accent could be heard as I  opened my eyes and saw a very handsome man, who had messy strawberry hair, and neon blue eyes. He wore pink and purple like the building, and smiled cheerfully at me. I blushed a bit but smiled back at the man. 

"H-Hello there, it smells wonderful in here, may I ask who runs this place?" I asked as I walked over and sat down at a small round table. The man smiled as he washed his hands and came over, sat down across from me, and then looked at me smiling still.

"Oh dear poppet, I run this place of course~!" He said in a cheerful voice, still staring at me. 

"Really? All by yourself?" I asked kinda amazed because I mean, this must be quite a lot to take care of, and I see nobody else in here but cupcakes and cakes and more! 

"Yes~! All by myself~! Are you impressed poppet?" He asked as he smiled. I blushed and nodded. 

"I-It's amazing that you can do this all by yourself..." I said as I looked down. 

"Why thank you~! May I ask your name dear poppet?" He said as he placed his chin on his back hands. 

"My name...? Well my name is _______ _______, may I ask for your name?" I said as I looked over at him once again. 

"My name is Oliver Kirkland, of course Kirkland is the name of my bakery if you haven't noticed." He said as he chuckled a bit. 

"Yeah, I think I have noticed." I chuckled as well. 

"Would you like to try a cupcake..?" He said suddenly as I smiled. 

"Of course I would Oliver, How much is it?" I asked taking out my purse. He raised his hand and shoook his head. 

"It's my treat ______ my dear poppet, No need to pay." He smiled and stood up, as he went into the back. I sat there waiting as I looked out the window seeing the green trees and people walking by. I heard footsteps getting closer and looked over but then Oliver was right in my face as I yelped a bit and stumbled back in my chair but he grabbed me before the chair could tip over. I blushed as he had a worried look on his face. 

"Are you okay poppet?" He asked, concern in his voice as I blushed a bit more and nodded. 

"Y-Yeah...I-I'm alright.." I said as I got my balance back. He smiled as he helped me a bit and then handed me a (Color) cupcakes with (Types of spinkles) on the frosting as I smiled brightly. 

"W-wow...! This looks absolutely amazing..!" I said as I held the cupcake gently. He chuckled a bit as I blushed seeing how much of a kid I was acting like. 

"Go on poppet, take a bite! I want to see your reaction when you taste the cupcake!" He said jumping up and down a bit. I chuckle and then looked at the cupcake and slowly help it to my mouth, and then took a bite. My eyes shot wide open as I chewed, tasting the (type of cake flavor) cupcake as I tasted the (flavor) frosting that had the sprinkles on top as well as my mouth melted. I sighed happily as I kept chewing. 

"Like it poppet~?" He asked as I nodded quickly. 

"It's tastes even better than what I had expected..! You make the best cupcakes I have ever tasted Oliver!" I said almost finishing the cupcake. I could see his face get a bit red as he smiled shyly.

"Thank you poppet~! I'm glad you like it~!" He clapped his hands together happily. I finsihed the cupcake and threw the wrapper away, before checking my phone and sighed a bit. 

"I wish I could stay a bit more Oliver, but I do have to get home, But the good thingis that I only live a couple houses away, but I do have school work to do as well so I'll come over here tomorrow as well, Bye Oliver! It was great meeting you!" I said as I could see him pout a bit but nodded.

"Alright poppet, I will wait for your company tomorrow then, Bye poppet!" He said, as I waved my hand bye to him and left the bakery. 

"I'll be waiting poppet~....." Oliver said with a wide grin. 






A/N: Hello Cookies~! A new story I have thought of! I hope you will be reading every chapter! Don't worry! I will still write for my other EnglandXReader Story! But this story I couldn't just leave it in my head because I knew I would have forgotten like every other story I thought of >.> But please do enjoy and I'll try to always update!!! Thank you my cookies~!!!

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