Chapter 5 - Captured

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"O-Oliver, we shouldn't be kissing here..." I mumbled a bit, looking down at the floor with a huge blush. Oliver looked at me with lazy looking eyes, as his lips curled into a smile, picking me up and heading to the back of the bakery. He set me on top of one of the tables, his body between my legs, as I looked down at him now. 

"Now no one will see." He said softly as he kissed my neck softly. I closed my eyes and felt his soft kisses upon my skin, brushing against me lightly. I grabbed lightly onto Oliver's sleeves, feeling him creep his hands and fingers under my shirt. I quickly grabbed his hands and pulled then down, looking at him with a huge blush.

"W-wait...Oliver..." I said as he looked up at me with wondering eyes. I looked down in his eyes as I took in a deep breath. 

"Shouldn't we um...wait...?" I asked him, as he gasped and pulled away, his face blushing as he cleared his throat. 

"O-Oh my goodness! I-I am so sorry I didn't even notice what I was doing!" Oliver replied as I shook my head and smiled shyly. 

"I-It's alright Ollie." I said as I cleared my throat. Damn, I was so close to losing my virginity but for some reason I had to stop him. 

"Well...It's getting late poppet. You should get home." He said as I nodded my head, getting off the counter and heading out of the back. Oliver followed close behind me, seeing me out. 

"Be safe, something might happen tonight. It's never safe to be out at night." Oliver said as he held my cheeks in his palms, kissing my forehead. I blushed and smiled, nodding my head as I then headed out to go home. It was already so late, and I needed to be home as quick as possible. I was walking home turning a corner, going down the street. Somehow I got this grim feeling while walking. 

"You-re just imagining things _______..." I mumbled to myself as I began walking faster, wanting to get home as quick as possible. My steps became faster and faster, as I was now running. I ran home as fast as I could, making it to my front door. I took in deep breaths as I made it home, ringing the doorbell so that my mother could open the door. Suddenly I could feel someone grab me, a stabbing sensation ran through my body as I could feel myself black out. 

*Thump Thump Thump* 

"Hello...?" Mrs. ________ opened the door to see who it was. Maybe it was her daughter who finally is home, but when she opened the door, no one was there. 

"Huh...Must be darn kids." She said as she closed the door locking it. __________'s mother was worried though. Why wasn't she home yet? It was already late...

~Time skip~

My eyes fluttered open, seeing only black. Where am I? I remember going home and getting to the front door. Then after that....Suddenly I remembered everything and panicked, trying to get up, but my hand and legs were tied. I could feel a blindfold against my face, making my visibility worthless. I had to rely on my hearing for now. I then heard something that sounded like a door opening, and closing. My heart pounded as if it was trying to jump out of my chest. Who was there? Why did they kidnap me?

"You still knocked out?" A rough voice said as my breath hitched. The person then grabbed my cheeks in his fingers. Sweat ran down my face as I gulped, not knowing if I should answer or stay quiet. 

"Talk now if you are awake or I'll kill you." He said bluntly. 

"I-I'm...I-I'm awake..." I replied with a shaky voice. I could then hear him chuckle. 

"I must say, you are quiet cute when you are scared, Dollface." He replied as I shook my head quickly. Please! I wanted to just go home, I wanted to see my mom! My friends! I wanted to see Oliver! Maybe I was dreaming, But I highly doubt I was dreaming.

"W-Who are you...?" I asked the man. He scoffed, and then released my cheeks. 

"I-I'm someone you will know." He said, as I could hear him walk away. The door opened and then closed. It was quiet once again. I was so scared. 

"Mom...Oliver..." I choked out, closing my eyes as tears were absorbed into the blindfold...

~Time Skip~

I opened my eyes and my ears perked up, as I could hear the door open again. Footsteps came towards me and then hands and arms picked me up. My body was flung over the man's shoulder, as I yelped.

"N-No let me go!" I screamed out as he sighed. 

"No can do little girl." He replied as I could feel up going up stairs. My body landed on a soft surface as I wondered what was going to happen to me. I could feel my body tense as I felt his hands moved to the back of my head, then suddenly the blindfold was off. I looked at the man who was in front of me. His hair was a auburn color, with a cowlick in the front, and his eyes were a a dark red maroon. 

"W-Why did you kidnap me??" I exclaimed, wanting to know answers. His left corner lip curled into a smirk.

"I was ordered to." He replied. There was more than one? I heard a knock at the door, as the man turned around to see who it was. The door opened and I could see a familiar sweater. 

"Poppet!" He exclaimed as I gasped, happy to see Oliver. Oliver ran over and hugged me, as I snuggled into his shoulder. The man looked at us both and then left the room. 

"D-Did you come here to save me...?" I asked Oliver as he pulled back and smiled.

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he looked at me with a confused face. I looked back at him with a confused face as well.

"Then why are you here...?" I asked as I looked at him worriedly.

"Oh! I guess you didn't know then! I was the one who ordered that man you saw to kidnap you! His name is Al. He's the one I told you about that is my step-brother!" He replied happily.

"Y-You were the one who ordered him to kidnap me...? B-But why Oliver..?" I stuttered, my voice become unstable. He smiled as he leaned over me, leaning his face close to mine.

"Because I want you. I need you. I love you and you'll be mine no matter what." Oliver said, in a tone I have never heard before. My blood felt hot, my body shook with fear. This was the true Oliver? 

"Get ready...I'll make you mine right now..." Oliver said as he began to undo his bow-tie, staring into my eyes with his bright baby blue eyes, that seemed to have a neon pink swirl to them. I was his rabbit, and he was the hawk that would tear me apart...


A/N: Damn, I haven't uploaded for this story for about a year!!! But I'm back and will be finishing this story! Thank you all for waiting patiently! 

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