Chapter 4 - Falling for the Kirkland

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________=Your name

Chapter 4 - Fallling for the Kirkland

I remembered like it was only yesterday, well it was yesterday...But what I meant is I remembered like it was only not to long ago...God damn it! Okay! I remember like it was...A minute ago, where his lips were pressed against mine...His lips were very sweet, tasted of sweet frosting, the smoothness as well...His eyes were closed as he kissed me, before opening them again just to see his baby bright blue neon eyes, that had a swirl of neon pink in them. I sighed softly looking out of the window of the class room until I felt someone tap my shoulder lighty as I turned around to see Elizabeth (AKA Hungary) as I smiled at her, but she frowned at me.

"What's with you today ______? You've been day dreaming all day and not paying attention to class." She said as I shook my head quickly.

"I-I wasn't day dreaming..! I was just...Remembering someting that happened." I said as I packed up my things, it was the end of the school day. I always walked home with Elizabeth, because we both walked the same way home.

"Oh yeah~? Tell me what you remembered!" She said as I blushed lightly and looked down a bit. I knew how much she loved hearing my stories and everything but this...? This was pretty personal.

"Let's just say...I-It's something to do with...A guy." I said as I walked out of the classroom while Elizabeth followed, heading down to the lockers and putting things away before walking out of the school, walking home like we usually do.

"Oooohh~!!! You had a guy you've been meeting and haven't told me yet?! I thought we told each other everything!" She exclaimed as I chuckled.

"That applies to you only, not me, But enough about me, what about you? How are you and...(should I put Austria or Prussia...? Eh, What the heck I'll put Prussia XD) How are you and Glibert going?" I said as she beamed.

"I thought you would never ask! Well! Me and Gilbert went out yesterday! We walked around the mall and then went to watched a movie at the theater! Even tho him being the "Awesome" one, he got scrared because we were watching a scary movie called "Unfriended" and he got so freaked out he screamed like a little girl would, holding onto my arm tightly too, it was cute though to see him like that." She giggled as I giggled along with her. We talked and talked until we had to separate ways.

"Well, see you tomorrow _______!" She yelled as she waved and ran off home. I smiled and waved back before heading home as well, as quickly as possible. I wanted to see Oliver soon...

I finally got home and went to my room, throwing my school bag onto the ground and headed downstairs where mom was. Mom was cooking again, like always. She would usually be cooking or sewing or doing those "Motherly" things.

"Mom I'm gonna go to work now!" I said as she looked at me and smiled.

"Okay hun, I'll have dinner ready when you come back home." She said coming over and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I nodded and then went out of the house, walking towards the bakery while thinking to myself about that moment yesterday. Why did he suddeny kiss me...? I could still feel where his lips were and where his arms held me. I blushed a bit thinking about it, shaking my head and walking into the bakery, acting like everything was normal, like nothing happened.

"I'm here Oliver! Need help?" I asked as I went in the back, to see Oliver baking, with red everywhere. Was it frosting...? He turned around with red all over his hands and a bit speckled onto his face as he smiled at me.

"Oh! Hello Deary! I'm glad your back! Would you mind helping me clean this mess up?" He asked as he pointed to the red frosting. I nodded my head and rolled my sleeves up, as I cleaned the mess up. Weird...It has somehow of an....Iron smell to it...Or maybe I'm imagining things. I finished cleaning it up and oliver was already changed into something else, his hands weren't covered in red anymore, so that was good as well.

"What were you doing with all that red stuff...?" I asked as he smiled sweetly.

"I was just making more Red frosting." He said as he started putting the red frosting onto cupcakes. I sighed in relief a bit and then walked over to him.

"Mind if I help...?" I asked hoping I would get to do something.

"Of course! I would love your help for anything Poppet!" He said as I smiled and began to also put the red frosting on top of the cupcakes. I was a bit close to him, to the point where I can smell his sweet scent. I always loved how he smelled, he smelled so sweet just like the bakery, and he is sweet as well!

"Is something wrong poppet? You seem like you thinking a lot lately." He said as I blushed a bit remembering the kiss before shaking my head quickly.

"N-Nothing at all!" I said as I smiled nervously as he looked at me and smiled.

"Alrighty then Poppet!" He said as he finish putting the red frosting on the cupcakes. I also finished as well and then he laid them out on the counter as people walked by and bought his cupcakes quickly. I looked over to him seeing his face of joy as I smiled softly. He was so kind, and so sweet, and so caring...He brought a smile to people's face with his cupcakes and delicious bakes.

~Night time~

I sighed softly as I cleaned the kitchen squeaky clean. I looked around and then nodded my head satisfied that everything was clean and nice. I washed my hands and then dried them as I turned around to see Oliver right there. He had a sweet smile on his face and his eyes shown something as I wondered what it was.

"Oliver, I didn't notice you were there." I said as I smiled at him blushing a bit as I kept remembering yesterday. It was at night time yesterday that he kissed me to wasn't it?

"Sorry Poppet, didn't mean to fright you." He said as he walked over and grabbed my hand kissing the back of my hand. I blushed and shook my head quickly and smiled.

"No you didn't fright me at all." I said as he smiled and then placed his hands on my waist and pulled me close. I looked up at his Neon blue eyes, him staring back.

"Oh poppet~...." He said as leaned in and kissed my cheek. His warm soft lips were so...I just don't know how to explain it...But it could make me melt right there. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back as I knew now....That I, ________ _________, Has fallen in love with Oliver Kirkland....


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