Solving Case with Hattori! Part 1

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Heiji and Kazuha was invited to attend a wedding replacing Heiji's parents, they contact Kudou's and Mouri's to come with them for having more people. At first Shinichi can't come due to soccer match but few days before, there was announcement that the match is postponed due to the soccer field is being used for neighborhood purposes.


At Shibuya

"In the end you join us" said Conan to his brother
"Hahaha, can't be helped. I don't want to be home alone too" said Shinichi bend down to Conan size

Conan was glaring at Shinichi as if doesn't agree of him coming after what he did to him at Kaito Kid clocktower heist. Kogoro and Ran who see both brothers looks amused since Conan seems unhappy by Shinichi is coming while Shinichi is trying to calm him down

"I promise I let you talk more okay. I will be your assistant this time" said Shinichi begging Conan
"Fine... buy me that Detective Samonji limited edition book and I will take it as deal" said Conan making him buy his things
"Deal!" shout Shinichi shacking hands with his brother

"Oi oi... what are you two doing in this broad daylight" said someone in Kansai dialect
"Ahh Hattori-kun and Kazuha-chan" said Ran happily
"A... ahh" said Kazuha awkward

Conan look at both Ran and Heiji closely and he also see his brother and Kazuha which make him giggle. Shinichi looks confused but Conan said he will tell him later. After they look around Shibuya, the girls split up from the boys. At first Ran want Conan to join her and Kazuha but Shinichi already promise to buy him a book so he can't join them

Shinichi, Conan and Heiji are at the bookstore since Shinichi promise to buy Conan the book. Kogoro is at the café waiting for them since he doesn't interested in books or clothes. Heiji was looking at the other section leaving the two brothers alone

"So what do you want to tell me?" asked Shinichi to Conan who was looking at the mystery books
"Ran-neechan and Hattori's clothes are identical"
"Both Ran-neechan and Hattori wear a blue stripe t-shirt. You didn't notice?"
"Hahaha I didn't pay too much attention to clothes after all. You really love notice little things huh" said Shinichi seems fine with it
"Because of someone" said Conan smirking to his brother

"Oi you two, can you guys hurry up? I'm thirsty" said Heiji
"Aahh..." said Shinichi while taking the book from Conan's hand to pay it

Heiji seems to be staring at Shinichi for a while until Conan notice his behavior and grinning. Shinichi was paying for the books while Heiji and Conan waiting outside

"Oi Hattori, you're jealous of that baka detective aren't you?"
"Hah?! What? why am I-"
"His clothes happen to be identical to Kazuha-neechan. You've been staring at it for quite a while" said Conan looking away
"Ahh... can't lie to little Kudou after all. I thought Kudou will realize but to think you're the one who notice"
"Well he didn't really care about clothes after all. He almost want to wear his Teitan High School uniform before I stop him"
"Hahaha... what will that Kudou do without you huh"

"I heard that..."

Shinichi comes out from the bookstore in slight angry look to both Heiji and his little brother who have been talking about him

"Cut me some slack, I was meeting someone last night until midnight" said Shinichi as he goes out with a bag and give it Conan since it is his books
"Oohh, who did you meet?" asked Heiji seems to be interested
"Ahh just some people, you will not know"

After that they meet Kogoro and the ladies, Conan look at Ran seems change her clothes which means Kazuha notice and talk to Ran about it.

"Ran-neechan, why you change your t-shirt?" asked Conan in low voice to Ran
"Ahh... Kazuha seems unhappy saying that my clothes are identical to Hattori-kun" said Ran bend down to Conan's size
"But... you are okay with Kazuha-neechan and that detective geek wearing the same style?"

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