Unexpected Meetings!

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Shinichi is now alone in his home while watching TV because Conan is out with his friends. It was a peaceful time until suddenly the bell rings which surprised the high schooler. From what he knows, Conan will not ring it since he has the spare key, Ran and Sonoko will not visit him since they are having girls hangout, his soccer friends and friends at school are all busy. As he opens the door much to his surprised to see the person he last saw few days ago

Kuroba Kaito

"Hello Meitantei!" said Kaito smirking
"Oi oi you become very brave to meet me after our last encounter huh great magician" said Shinichi with a bored look
"Don't give me that look, I just want to visit that's all. I know Tantei-kun is playing with his friends after all"
"Are you really becoming Conan's stalker?"
"I'm not! Can you at least let me in?"

Shinichi has no choice to let him in, and then he took him to the living room. Shinichi quickly give him tea and snacks, and he quickly sits down facing the international phantom thief with serious look

"Now explain" said Shinichi unhappy
"Fine fine... You remember Aoko? The girl who introduce me that time at Ekoda High" said Kaito as he eats the snack
"Oh that Nakamori-keibu's daughter"
"Yeah, so she and her friends are visiting this some kind of toys fair, and she gives me a picture of her with your little brother"
"I see... He did tell me about going there with his friends today. But that doesn't change the fact that you're meeting me like this"
"Well you are the only person who figure out my identity so fast I need to get some confirmation"
"Alright... What do you want to know?"

Kaito drink the tea and put it back to the table. His eye change into serious which slightly surprise the high school detective but Shinichi keep his composure

"Besides you, who else knows about my identity?" asked Kaito serious
"I see, you want confirmation. To answer that, my dad obviously... and also Professor Agasa. Since I did ask his help to analyze your fingerprint so no police officer is involved in my evidences" said Shinichi as he drinks the tea
"Then... Tantei-kun doesn't know?"
"No... For now it is"
"For now?"

Shinichi sigh as he stands up and look through the window showing the blue sky almost mix of light orange

"I will tell you a secret as an exchange since I did frighten you by getting your identity this fast, Conan already figure out that the 2nd Kaito Kid is a high schooler of my age" said Shinichi serious
"Nakamori-keibu told him about Hakuba's evidence with your hair DNA result. Nakamori-keibu told Conan as a joke since he was sure that the Kid 8 years ago and now is the same person. For Conan who knows the truth, believe in that result since he did get glimpse of your face under your monocle. Not to mention, dad told us about his assumption about the original Kid 8 years ago already died when he disappears"

Kaito began to understand what Shinichi is going through

"Wait, then Tantei-kun doesn't know who's the first Kaito Kid is my father?" asked Kaito serious

Shinichi look at him and shake his head. He then walks back to the sofa and sit down facing him

"He wants to expose your identity without my father's data. But don't be too happy with it, Conan is a fast learner and great detective... He may find out your identity sooner or later" said Shinichi
"I see... I hope you really keep your promise not to expose my identity, Meitantei" said Kaito serious
"I will. You already did what I ask you which is the least I can do. Not to mention, I'm not satisfied with this way either since I lose my pride as a detective by asking help from my dad"
"Oi oi don't be like that"

Shinichi just sigh by the phantom thief's act. Shinichi look at the high schooler in front of him who seems unsatisfied

"You seem to have another question?" asked Shinichi
"Yeah, this one is small. Do you know the that Twin Tower bombing case two months ago?" asked Kaito serious
"Of course, I was there"
"Then.... Have you got any lead who bomb the place?"
"No, not a clue. The police already did what they can and there are no clues to point who's the culprit. The murderer of the four cases, Kisaragi told us that he's not the one who put the bombs there. The police didn't believe in him but both Conan and I believe that he don't have that knowledge on bombs so we are sure the culprit is indeed an outside job. We don't have ulterior suspect so we didn't dig this case for now"
"I see..."

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