Battle of the Traps! Part 2

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Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko are at the tent and they look at Haibara and Professor Agasa are nearby the fire with the woods that Conan and Shinichi already collected before them

"Woah they did get quite a lot" said Mitsuhiko looking at the fire
"Where are they anyway? Those brothers" said Haibara
"Ah they should be here any moment"

As on cue, both of them comes back and Haibara can sense Conan annoyance

"Let me guess, you lose Edogawa-kun?" asked Haibara
"You got it... That lake is very narrow, almost impossible to curve!" said Conan unhappy
"But it was amazing! Both of them are very fast" said Ayumi in awe
"You guys saw them?" asked Professor Agasa
"Yeahh, we are on top of the hill and both Shinichi-san and Conan-kun use detective badge as communication so we can hear most of their talk" said Mitsuhiko
"So that's why you borrow my badge" said Haibara to Conan
"Hehehe since cellphone is out of range after all" said Conan laughing

Shinichi sit beside Professor Agasa tiredly after the boat racing and just smile seeing his little brother talking with his friends

"You sure have fun with Conan-kun there... you two rarely play together after all" said Professor Agasa smiling
"Ahh... The things that we always do together are only reading at home and solving cases. We rarely go to recreation like this due to Megure-keibu always calls me and his work capturing Kaito Kid"
"Well it is great to do something different right. The kids always wanted to invite you since they notice how rare that both you and Conan-kun play together"

"So that's why they really wanted me to join so badly" thought Shinichi while looking at Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko putting some of the woods for the fire

After that all of them sit by the fire and talk together since it's too early for dinner. Three kids ask about when Conan learn how to drive a boat and other things

"Woah that's amazing!" said Ayumi in awe
"I only learn it because I was seeing how dad teach him" said Conan pointing at Shinichi
"But still it's awesome that Conan-kun's father teaches all of that" said Mitsuhiko while looking at Shinichi
"Hahaha that time our dad want to get away from editors so that's why for a whole week he teaches me that stuffs and Conan also there with us the whole time" said Shinichi
"In the end, he still got caught by editors" said Conan remembering moments in Hawaii

All of them laugh at it and the brothers just smile to each other by the memories that they have been through together. Suddenly Ayumi remember the thing that she found earlier when they were finding some firewood

"Oh yeah, when we were collecting firewood, we found a weird stone box" said Ayumi
"Stone box?" asked both Conan and Shinichi together
"Yes... there are round holes on two sides but a hollow center. Looking inside you can see many carved characters" said Mitsuhiko

"Characters" thought Shinichi
"The stone had things like 'Stone of Ni-Oh' written on it but I couldn't understand most if it"
"It was difficult right" said Genta

Conan and Shinichi look at each other serious and ask them to take them to where they found the stone box


Time Skip~

They are now right in front of a house that was in middle of the forest and Shinichi look through the house seriously. As he about to goes in, the kids already call the brothers to show them the stone box. As they look closer, there is indeed many kanji words inside the box. Professor Agasa said that maybe it's a stone lantern by it's size. Conan look around and see the pond closely

"Professor is right... look at the pond, there's not only one either" said Conan while putting his hands on his pockets
"Really?" said Mitsuhiko surprised
"We didn't notice those" said Genta who also look at the pond
"Probably somebody threw them into the pond. Perhaps this person doesn't want others to think that this place have stone lanterns... So that no one can figured out the secret code and run of with the treasure" said Shinichi serious while looking at the stone box
"Treasure!" shout three of them

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