Kudou Brothers Kidnapping Case!

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At Shin-Osaka Station

Ran, Shinichi, Kogoro and Conan just arrived to Osaka right at evening to which greeted by Heiji and Kazuha

"Ran-chan!" said Kazuha happily while greeting Ran
"Kazuha-chan! Long time no see" said Ran happily
"Yo Kudou! You two have been well I see" said Heiji happily to fellow detectives
"Hahaha you could say that" said Conan sarcastic

Heiji notice that both Shinichi and Conan are wearing long sleeves as if hiding something on their hands. Heiji fast reacted and take Shinichi's hand and folded his sleeve which to find some wound marks

"Oi what's wrong?" asked Heiji surprised by the marks
"Eh... ahh... well..." said Shinichi seems don't know what to answer

Heiji who seems suspicious also forcedly take Conan's hand and fold his sleeve as well which to find the almost identical marks as Shinichi

"Oi oi, what happen to you two?" asked Heiji
"Those marks looks awful" said Kazuha worried looking at Conan's marks
"Oh those two were kidnapped a week ago" said Kogoro lightly
"HAH?!" shout both Kansai which grab the whole station attention

"Oi oi Mouri-tantei, I think we can talk about this later at the car or at Hattori's house?!" said Shinichi seems didn't like the stares they get
"You got explanations to do here, starting from how and what happen" said Heiji angrily

Conan and Shinichi look at each other and just sigh remembering what happen to them to get those painful looking wound marks on their hands


A week ago

In a unknown place

Shinichi open his eyes and try to adjust his vision clearly. He was surprised to be in a some sort of basement and only have some pipes on the wall. Shinichi tried to move but he realize that his hands seems to be handcuffed into one of the wall pipes. He tried to remember what happen to him before getting into this situation

"If I recall... I was buying some things in the bookstore and suddenly before arriving to our house..."

He remember that someone suddenly put a handkerchief around face which contain chloroform and after that he passed out. He realize that he was with Conan that time so he look around to find his brother, he look at the center of the room there's a glasses which to be his brother's. He look up and shock to see his brother is still unconscious and tied up around his chest in the ceiling

"Conan!" shout Shinichi

Conan seems still out due to chloroform but he notice that his shoes and his belt is gone. He deduct that when his kidnapper knock him out, Conan seems to fight with his soccer belt and shoes but the kidnapper manage to fight him back and Conan seems didn't use his watch since his watch is still on his hand

"Just who in the world did this..." thought Shinichi while trying to find a way to escape


At Kudou's house

Yusaku, Yukiko and some police officers are now gather at the living room with a laptop, phone in hand and some tracking devices. Well of course since the brothers just been kidnapped so suddenly

"So are you sure that both of them are kidnapped?" asked Megure to his friend, Yusaku
"Yes... we found Conan's shoes and belt lying at the intersection near Professor Agasa's house and also we found a bag full of books and stationery" said Yusaku serious while looking at his phone
"Shin-chan and Conan-chan told me that they are going to the bookstore to buy some school stuffs in advance before the start of the school" said Yukiko worried for her children
"But why the kidnapper take his shoes and belt?" asked Takagi while writing down
"Conan got many gadgets from Professor Agasa and some of it are his belt and shoes. It seems Conan use those to fight with his kidnapper but the kidnapper manage to capture him and to take measures, he take off it" said Yusaku serious

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