9. History Repeating

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Elena's POV

I stared dumbfounded as Bonnie told me about her dreams. Once I might have laughed at her, but after learning about Stefan and Damon's true identity, I had no doubts that what my best friend was telling me was true.

"I think it's to do with the crystal I'm wearing," Bonnie said to me, her eyes tired after a disturbed night of sleep. 

"Just give it back to Damon," I suggested, shrugging. Surely that was the easiest solution?

"No, I get the feeling that that's the last thing I should do." She said, frowning thoughtfully. 

Just then, I saw Stefan sitting on a picnic bench, his handsome face serious and tense. 

"Look, Bonnie, I've got to go and talk to Stefan, okay?" She looked a little put out but nodded, leaving me to it. 

"Stefan, hi," I said, approaching him slowly and sitting on the seat beside him. 

"Hey, Elena," he said, glumly. "Look, I'm not going to be coming into school any more."

I was shocked. "Is this because of Lexi? I'm so sorry that happened," I rambled, trying to think of a way to change his mind. 

"Kind of," he said, shrugging. "It's just, you're not safe if I'm around you. Damon is out of control and I'm worried about what he might do next."

"So you're just going to avoid me completely?" I was starting to get annoyed now.

"Pretty much. It's to protect you, Elena, can't you see that? I'm sorry." He got up and left, leaving me upset and confused. 

Damon's POV

I needed that crystal, and I was going to go to any lengths to find it. I was desperate to get Katherine, the absolute love of my life back from the tomb where she was trapped. And Bonnie had what I needed. I tracked her down, cornering her and demanding that she return the crystal to me.

"Hand it over, Bonnie," I snarled, trying to intimidate her. The witch returned my glare, seemingly not at all afraid of me. 

"No," she replied simply, making my blood boil.

"I know about Emily haunting you," I said, hoping that might encourage her to hand it over. I'd overhead saint Stefan talking to Elena about it. The effect I'd hoped for lasted but for a second as she shook her head and made to walk away. "Here's a message for Emily," I called after her. "A deal's a deal!"

She didn't turn around. 

Elena's POV

I was sick and tired of my two best friends bickering, and so I hatched a plan to get them to make up, inviting them both over for dinner. Caroline arrived after Bonnie immediately apologised to her.

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