11. Bloodlines

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Jacob's POV

The day had passed exceptionally slowly, and I couldn't believe that it was only lunch time when I slumped into a seat by a window of the canteen to force down some disgusting human food. Don't get me wrong, it's not the worst thing in the world, but there were certain other things, other people, who I'd much rather be feasting on. 

The table I'd chosen was fairly close to Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennett, and I listened with little interest to their mundane conversation, just in case it happened to change to a topic that concerned me, or more rather, Eska. And so I couldn't believe my ears when the two teens began to discuss in hushed voices how Damon Salvatore had attacked Eska only the previous night. The rage began to take over at the thought of my plan being ruined by some stupid, thoughtless vampire, and I had to fight with myself to maintain control. I couldn't afford to lose my temper in the middle of a high school cafeteria. I glanced out of the window where I spotted Eska sat beneath a tree, wrapped up in layers in a bid to keep out the cold whilst she read a book. 

She couldn't die. Not yet anyway. I was pissed that my plan to keep her alive wasn't going particularly well, and I had Damon to answer for that. He needed to suffer in penance and keep her alive. I knew from watching him before I first compelled him that he had some sort of feelings for Eska, even if the idiot didn't know it yet. Now there was something I could exploit.

I stood slowly, careful not to draw attention to myself and exited the cafeteria, heading for the parking lot. I needed to pay Damon Salvatore a little visit. 

Damon's POV

The events of last night had shaken me, although I'd never admit that to anyone. I'd seen red, and my target was Bonnie Bennett, the witch who was denying me what I wanted. Unfortunately, Eska Gilbert had gotten in the way and I'd hurt her. Sure, Stefan was able to heal me, but he'd looked so accusingly at me, so disappointed. Elena and Bonnie's reactions had confused me a little, and I couldn't help but wonder whether they'd be reacting differently if it had indeed been Bonnie who got hurt, and not poor Eska.

The doorbell rang, stirring me from my thoughts and I rose to answer it, bourbon in hand, of course. A teenager, perhaps the same age as Elena and Eska was at the door, his face serious. 

"Can I help you?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink. 

"Yes, I think you can," he said, before his eyes started changing and I felt suddenly spacey - as if time and space suddenly had no power over me. "You're going to do as I say, then you're going to forget that I was here. You will do everything in your power to keep Eska Gilbert alive. You will feel your true feelings towards her when nobody is watching. When you think they are, you'll push her away and do what you can to make sure that she never returns your true feelings."

His smile was devious and cunning. Evil. I finally felt myself blink, and when I opened my eyes, he was gone. 

I shook my head, wondering why I was standing uselessly at my open front door. You're losing it, Damon! Deciding that I needed to do something to take my mind off what had happened with Eska, I devised a plan to head to Georgia to visit a certain witch who I knew would be able to help me. But first, I would head to the Grill. God knows, I needed a drink.

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