8. 162 Candles

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*A/N - possible trigger warning; mentions/descriptions of self-harm. Please take care and only read if that's the best decision for you*

Stefan's POV

I'd found it difficult to sleep last night; the guilt of not being able to do for Elena what Damon could kept gnawing at me. Was it guilt, or jealousy? Elena wanted her siblings to forget about what they'd seen that night, for the supernatural world to remain a secret from them, and I couldn't help her. Not for the first time in my long, vampiric existence, I wondered whether my dietary choices were, in fact, the best thing for me. 

Damon had compelled Jeremy easily enough - I'd heard him upstairs in his bedroom. But Eska... that I didn't hear, and when I asked Damon what he'd compelled her to think, he was his typical elusive self, much to my frustration. 

And so I'd spent the night, tossing and turning, questioning my choices and my feelings. I was decidedly grumpy when I heard the noise of someone coming into the house early in the morning. I got up, thinking it was most likely going to be Damon. Readying a snarky remark in exchange for him waking me up, I was surprised to see by best friend, Lexi, standing in the kitchen, grinning at me. 

"Happy birthday, sweetie!" she said, coming up to embrace me. I hugged her back, holding her tightly and relishing the feel of my best friend being back in my arms. 

"It's so good to see you," I said, smiling warmly at my best friend, who I hadn't seen in so long.

We spent the rest of the morning catching up, and I told Lexi all about Elena. Well, not quite all; I thought that it would be best not to tell her that Elena was her doppelgänger...

Eska's POV

I sat nervously outside Sheriff Forbes' office, shuffling my feet and twiddling my fingers. My anxiety levels were at an all time high - or at least, the highest they'd been in a while. My stomach was clenching uncomfortably and my chest felt super tight. I looked across at Damon who was sat in the chair next to me, his body language demonstrating his typical laid back arrogance. 

He returned my gaze, but his was hard and meaningful. His words to me the night before had been unexpected and harsh, and I felt fearful of him. 


"You're not going to tell anyone about this," Damon said, crouching down in front of me where I sat on the end of the bed. He grasped my shoulders and stared straight into my eyes, a small frown coming over his perfect face. "You're shaking..." I swear I saw something flash in his eyes, as if he'd just had an idea. "You're scared of me..." he whispered. I felt tears spring to my eyes, remembering how where not so long ago, there had been warmth and surprising tenderness, his eyes were now cold and calculating. He did not care about me.

I gulped, and managed a stiff nod, confirming my fear. 

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