20. Lost Letters

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Bonnie's POV

"So let me get this straight - you gave Eska your blood, and she had an allergic reaction to it?" 

Damon looked at me, a look of utter boredom on his face, but by now, I knew him better than to believe it. He was worried, confused and scared. "That about sums it up."

"That doesn't make sense."

"If I needed you to state the bleeding obvious, I would have called you earlier."

I scoffed; I didn't need this. "Right well good luck Damon. I'll see you later."

He sighed heavily. "Sorry, Bon." He really did sound uncharacteristically sorry, and I turned back to look at him.

"It's fine; tell me again what happened?"

"I've given her my blood before and she was fine. Then Ric and I rescue her and Stefan from that house, I give her my blood, and she dies on me. I think there's something... witchy... about it."

I rolled my eyes, although if I was honest, I agreed with him. Especially as Grams...

"Look, Damon." He looked sharply at me, registering the apprehensive guilt in my tone. "When my Grams... when he passed away..." He had the grace to look sympathetic. "I found a letter. 2 actually. One for me, and one for..."

"Eska?" He interupted me, sounding surprised. "Why would she write to Eska?"

"When Elena and I went home with Grams after we got you and stefan out of the tomb, Grams said that she was like, crazy powerful, but just didn't know it yet."

Damon raised a signature eyebrow. "Crazy powerful?" He mocked. "Little Eska?"

I nodded. "As in, so powerful that Grams said she was channelling twice as much power from Eska as she was from me, and Eska didn't even flinch."

Damon frowned. "Actually, Eska collapsed that night, when your Grams..."

I looked away, trying to keep the tears at bay. "Maybe she channelled even more than she thought then," I said. "Grams did say that Eska was pushing the power through her so she wouldn't have to use too much of her own or mine."

I was conflicted. I didn't like Eska. From my understanding of her through Elena, she was attention seeking, and seemingly set on making Elenas life difficult. But she had tried to help my Grams, and I wasn't sure I could overlook that fact in my opinion of her. She had tried to help me, more than once in fact.

"Anyway. I found the letters."

"Did you read Eskas?"

"No of course not!"

"Oh come on, Bonnie. Aren't you just a little bit intrigued?"

"Of course I am," I replied. "But Grams wanted it to be read by Eska. I can't undermine her."

Damon scoffed. "Get the letter, Bon Bon."


"Chill! We'll take it to Eska. She's woken up."

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