21. Questions

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Damon's POV

She was awake, alert and sitting up, sipping at a paper cup of water which someone had given her.

"Ah, so she lives!" I teased, waltzing into her hospital room, her letter in my hand and Bonnie close behind me.

Eska rolled her eyes at me, but smiled none the less, and I felt my stomach do weird little flips at the fact.

"Hey, Damon." Her voice was soft as ever, quiet and delicate. "Oh! Bonnie, hi!" She smiled kindly at Bonnie, who looked uncomfortable.

"Bon here has something for you. Well actually, I have it." Eska looked at me, confused, as I held out the envelope, with her named scrawled on the front in Bonnie's witchy handwriting. They just don't teach nice cursive anymore, I noted.

Eska took it from me, her confusion still evident as she looked now to Bonnie, who was still avoiding her gaze.

"For me?" She asked, looking over her name clearly on the envelope.

"Huh. Maybe the doctors should do a brain scan..." I teased, "must have knocked some brain cells out too..."

She scoffed at me, turning the envelope over to open it. "I guess you're staying whilst I read it?..." She asked, not looking at me whilst she prized it open, her slow methodical approach in a bid not to rip the paper agonising me.

"Yep," I replied, popping the 'p'. "I'm very interested in what Witchy Senior has to say. Besides, you going to kick me out?"

"No..." She sighed, finally getting into the letter and pulling out a single A4 followed by a torn page from a book.

She unfolded the letter and stared at it intently.

"Well?" I demanded, my impatience getting the best of me.

Eska looked at me, amusement clear on her face. "Oh, sorry. Right. Yeah so I'm a witch."

I could have face palmed. "Anything else we don't already know?" I looked in exasperation at Bonnie, who shrugged at me, before inspecting her nails.

Finally, Eska put the letter down on her lap. "Interesting..." She said, before reading through the smaller page in the envelope.

I'd had enough. "Thank you," I grabbed the letter from her, eliciting an annoyed 'hey!'.

"Right then, Bon, let's see what Grams had to say about little witchy here." I began to read the letter aloud.


I never believed it possible that I should meet a witch such as yourself. There were no signs when you were younger, but as you grew up, your power became apparent. 

Your power will be unmatched, my dear. But with that comes grave danger. You are still a mortal being, magical though you are, and some will try to use your power for their own, dark gains. Keep those who love you close, and do not trust too easily. 

I have enclosed some research I have undertaken on your behalf. I hope it is of use to you.

My hope is to be here for when you need me; or for when you undoubtedly have questions. But if I am not, good luck, child. You have great power. Use it wisely.

Sheila Bennett

I looked up to see Bonnie wiping surreptitiously at her eyes, and held my hand out to Eska for the paper cutting she had been reading through, her face an expression of shock. 


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"Wow..." I whistled through my teeth. "That's... a lot." 

"Uh huh," Eska agreed, whilst Bonnie remained quiet. 

"Looks like I create sire lines," I commented. "Who knew..."

She raised an eyebrow at me. Right... I was totally missing the bigger picture. "Well I guess we have a better idea of what you are," I said, shrugging at her. "And that I most definitely shouldn't give you my blood again..."

Eska smiled at me, laughing lightly, and again; I felt my stomach swoop. What on earth was she doing to me?

"You okay, Bonnie?" she asked gently, looking at the girl standing quietly behind me. 

"Yeah, I'll be alright." Bonnie spoke gruffly, obviously overwhelmed by everything. 

I looked back over the extract from the book, twinges of worry suddenly nagging at my brain. 'they are at great danger of manipulation...'  And at the moment, I promised myself that I would do my very best to never let anyone hurt Eska Gilbert. 

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