Chapter Three

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It's been approximately three hours since I've attempted to fall asleep. As you an tell it's not going to well.

I keep on tossing and turning, overthinking, worrying, and wondering! No matter how hard I try  I cannot seem to fall asleep. I want to go see Newt, he always makes things better. But I can't find the guts to do it. I don't want to bother him at this hour, really. Will he mind? I don't know...

Oh well, sorry Newt.

I climb down from the bunk I'm in and tiptoe over to Newt's top bunk. I climb up the metal ladder.
"Newt..." I whisper. He appears to be rolled over in his side. "Newt you awake?"

He rolls over and props himself up with his elbows.  "Teddy? You're up too?"

I nod. "Can't sleep. Can I lay with you?"

"Of course," he nods.

I crawl down next to him on the side on the wall. He lifts the blanket and I burry myself in. We both lay our heads on the pillow. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me.
"I can't stop worrying," I tell him.

He rubs my back and strokes my hair. "We're safe here, Teddy."

I shake my head. "Newt- But I don't feel safe. Well, right now I feel safe."

"Why's that, only right now?"

"Because... I'm with you. I'm in your arms," I sigh, almost cringing at my own words even though I've never been so honest. "I don't have a home- I've never had a home- but I know that this is exactly what it would feel like."

Newt pulls me even closer to him, and kisses me on my forehead. I look at his face, with a grin from ear to ear on it.

"What?" I giggle.

"Nothing,"he chuckles.

"Dude I just poured my heart out to you."

He smirks. "I love you."

I smile. "I love you, too. You're my best friend, you know that?"

I burry my head into the crook of his neck as he nods.

Newt's POV


Having her as my best friend was great, until I fell in love with her. I know I deny it, but I can't stop hiding from the truth! I am in love with Teddy. I can just hear Minho saying, "i told you soooo!"

Here I am with the girl I love laying in my arms, and I don't even have the courage to tell her. I never will. I don't know what I did to deserve a friendship like ours and I cannot ruin it! I've never realized how painful it is to say "we're just friends."

Teddy's POV

The room is silent, except for soft snoring from the other boys and Newt's heartbeat beating against mine. Of course I don't mind, I love silence sometimes.

After a few minutes I could start to hear. Newt's soft snoring as well. Then all of the sudden I hear something metal bang on the floor. I hear whispers but can't make out the words.

"What the hell..." I hear Thomas whisper from the bunk below us.

I unwrap my arms around from Newt crawl to the ladder. "Thomas?" I whisper worriedly while I start climbing down to see all the commotion. "Tommy what's going-"

Thomas is standing up from his bed and looking at the ground. I walk over and stand next to him when I notice a boy under the bunk. "Uhm..."

"Come on, follow me," the boy says.

Since We Were Kids // In the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now