Chapter Eight

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"Wake up!"

"We gotta stop meeting like this, Minho," I say groggy. He seems to have been waking me up every morning.

"Get your things, we need to get going," I stretch out my arms and he grabs my hands them pulls me to my feet.

I stand up and stretch my arms and legs. "Where is everyone?" I ask Minho.

"Up there," He points up a sand dune, then I can see my friends a bit.

I nod. "Oh... alright."

"Guys you gotta come check this out!" I hear Thomas call.

I grab my backpack and follow Minho up the sandy hill. It's a struggle walking up but I manage to get up with help from Newt and Thomas. Not only am I stunned when I see the view, but my eyes are, too. The sun seems to have just risen over the horizon and it's hella bright out. Not to mention the broiling sun beaming down on my bare arms and face was excruciating.The sandy plain went out as far as the eye can see. I know I called it a 'plain,' but dozens of sand dunes, slopes and hills scattered throughout. It really isn't flat at all to be honest. I could see the silhouettes of mountains in the distance, which I could only assume could be The Right Arm — our destination. But those parts surprisingly aren't even the most astonishing. A enormous destructed city sits there too, looking empty and lifeless. Building and towers are collapsed, burnt, and falling apart. I've never seen anything like it, yet again I only remember about 4 years of my entire life. It's so hard to believe this was all here last night, but it was pitch black out.

"Holy shit," I say almost in a trance from the scenery. After a few minutes of everyone just starring into the distance, Thomas speaks up.

"I think we should get going," he states.


We haven't even been walking for 15 minutes and I've drenched my clothes in sweat.

"What the hell happened to this place?!" Frypan questions as we walk down a dirt road. I reckon it used to be busy. Both sides of the road is filled with piles and piles of crap. It is so overwhelming.

I shake my head.

"I don't know," Newt steals the words right from my mouth. "It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time."

"I hope the whole world's not like this," Aris added.

"Woah woah hang on stop," Thomas called from the back of the group.

Everyone turns to face him. "Anyone hear that?"

We all pause to listen to whatever Thomas is hearing. My first thought is that he's just paranoid, but when I actually hear a grumbling noise becoming louder by the second, I realize he isn't crazy. Well not that crazy.

I watch as his face turns into panic and fear. "Get down! Everybody hide!" He belts.

My first instinct is to find Newt, so that's what I do. I run over and grab his arm, then follow Thomas underneath some sorta concrete wall structure that has been tipped over and held up by boulders.

The noise becomes more familiar, then I know why. Helicopters. I grasp Newt's hand tightly and pray that they can't see us. I know it's WICKED because it doesn't seem like anyone could have that sort of technology during this time.

I'm fascinated but also terrified when I watch two helicopters and a larger ship fly over us and the destructed city.

"They're never gonna stop lookin for us, are they?" Minho sadly questions.

I frown, knowing there's no escape from WICKED.


"Everyone good?" Thomas shouts down as we climb up a hill of ruins.

Since We Were Kids // In the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now