|| Chapter 11 - Tasers and Tunnels ||

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"I can't believe you're making us do this," grumbles Blair, re-adjusting her grip on the heavy box of leftover, individually wrapped sandwiches.

"Oh calm down," you laugh, carrying a case of water bottles. "This is what we usually do Bee. Just...you know. Inside. At the shelter. Not out on the streets."

Blair tosses you a look that could kill as she pauses, lifting up a leg to rest the box on her thigh as she wipes away sweat. Even this late at night, the humidity is stifling.

"If you couldn't tell, Y/n, I'm an indoor cat. Nature is...ugh," she groans as the two of you walk towards the quiet tent city nestled beneath the city's large, neglected bridge.

"Well if it means anything, I'm glad you're here with me. And we're doing a good thing, you know. These leftovers would just go in the trash. It's better to bring them out here."

Blair grumbles once more under her breath as the two of you get closer to the tents ahead. As you near, the occupants begin emerging and smiles light their faces. Most of them have gotten used to your presence. You and Blair have been bringing a good amount of food out here due to the anonymous donations the shelter has been getting ever since your interrogation two weeks ago.

You don't know why, but something tells you Tony Stark might be playing a role in the absurd amount of food, blankets, and other in-kind donations that have been flooding through the doors.

As you and Blair hand out the leftovers, your thoughts drift from Tony to your stranger. Again. For the millionth time since he left that letter on your doorstep the week before last.

Where is he?

Is he okay?

"You should hand out blankets tomorrow, Y/n."

Blair's voice pulls you from your musings.

"What?" you ask. "Why?"

"I can't stay tonight. I have to go pick my stupid cousin up from the airport."

You frown, knowing that your car still has several boxes of supplies and donations that you had planned on handing out tonight.

"No, it's fine. I can hand them out," you say. "Go - pick up Jace."

"Y/n, no. You can't stay out here in the dark by yourself. Remember what happened last time I left you alone?"

You roll your eyes and grab the empty box that had once held leftover sandwiches from Blair. "I'll be fine. There's tons of people around, Bee," you say.

Blair frowns and follows you as you start walking back to your car to get the next box of blankets, pillows and socks.

"You take unnecessary risks, Y/n. That's why you end up in dangerous situations," she scolds, following you closely.

"This is what I do, Bee," you say, turning to face her. "If that puts me at risk then so be it."

Blair rolls her eyes and starts digging around in her bag. "You're going to be the death of me I swear," she huffs as she zips open the middle compartment of her backpack. "Just...be careful if you stay. And take this," she demands, pulling out a relatively heavy-duty taser.

"I'm not taking that," you answer with a laugh.

"Then I'm not letting you stay," says Blair firmly. "This isn't a safe area. Especially not after dark."

You roll your eyes and grab it from her hand, unzipping your crossbody bag and shoving it inside. "There. Happy?"

"No," Blair answers. "But it'll do for now."

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