Chapter 15 - A Guiding Hand

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A single word. 

One uttered so quietly, it's nearly engulfed by the shrill scream of the fire alarm overhead. But you catch it's pleading edge - one so sharp it cuts your heart as if it were made of nothing more than thin fibers. It stalls your hand in midair as you reach for the door, and you turn to look back at Steve. 


"Steve, you need to go-"



Your front door groans beneath the strain of the pounding, and the knob begins to twist as the chain rattles violently against its post. Steve's glance darts to the entryway, his expression a summer storm - changing as quickly as the winds, tumbling from fear to anger to desperation. 

Until he looks at you.

The moment his stormy blue eyes meet yours, the whirlwinds still and panic gives way to somber resignation. The moment you see that shift, he takes a determined step forward. But he isn't looking at you anymore. His eyes are glued to the door over your shoulder. That little gold chain.

What is he doing?

He takes another deliberate step. 


You move quickly, wedging yourself between him and the door and placing both palms on his chest, shaking your head fervently as you let out a small whimper and try to push him back.

"Stop!" you whisper, searching for his gaze. But he refuses to look at you, keeping his stare fixed on the door as he tries to reach around you. "Steve, stop!" you plead, giving him a persistent shove.

Still avoiding your eyes, confliction crosses Steve's face as he bring one massive hand to his chest, covering both of yours. His thumb gently caresses the back of your hand as he presses your hands more firmly into him, as if desperate to feel your hands on his heart.

"You can't," you say, your voice finally breaking, succumbing to the weight of your fear. The weight of your desperation. 

The corner of Steve's lips twitch downward at the sound of your voice. He squeezes his eyes shut and slowly leans his forehead to yours. You close your eyes in turn, your hands curling into fists beneath his, grabbing handfuls of his shirt.

For a moment, the two of you stay like that in silence, the fire alarm drowning out everything but Steve's shaky breathing and your own heart pounding in your temples. 

But the moment doesn't last as Steve pulls away and tries to take his final step towards the door.

"What are you doing?" you hiss, tears brimming in your eyes as you tighten your grip on his shirt.

He doesn't have to answer. You to know what he's trying to do. 

Steve raises a soft hand to your cheek as his fingers dance over the flour streaks still left behind.

"Y/n, it's time. I...I need to turn myself in," he says, his face falling in defeat.

"Are you insane?!" you whisper over the loud beeping of the fire alarm. 

"I'm a wanted man, Y/n," he says. "I'm a criminal I can't...I shouldn't have-"

"You're not a criminal, crazy!" you hiss. "You're helping people. The fire? The dog fighting ring? You saved lives!"

Steve shakes his head and looks at you. "No, this has nothing to do with that, I-"


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