Chapter 58 - No Turning Back

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"I have to go," Steve says quietly, pulling away and taking the gun gently from your hand. "Will you walk with me?"

The lump in your throat causes you to choke on your words as you open your mouth to speak, so instead you nod and Steve stands from the couch, holding out a hand to you. You take it as Steve laces his fingers through yours to pull you along. Stopping briefly at the prop room for Steve to grab his bags, the two of you then join Natasha and Bucky in the grand foyer.

"About time," grumbles Natasha. "I already pulled the car round. We need to load up and go. We can't linger out there."

Bucky pushes off the column he leans against, grabbing several bags and following Natasha out the door. You follow suit, grabbing the two left on the ground as Steve takes his duffel and three others, carrying them out to the car and setting them by the back tire as Nat organizes the cargo in the trunk.

Steve takes your hand, simply holding it as he waits for Natasha to finish packing the back. Once finished she shuts the trunk and starts walking to the driver's seat before stopping. She bends down and curses suddenly as she prods the front tire.

"Steve," she calls out, beckoning him over. "We have a problem."

"I'll be right back," he says quietly, placing a kiss on your cheek as he lets go of your hand and squats at Natasha's side. She points out something in the tread, earning a groan of frustration from Steve.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asks, walking to your side to watch the two near the tire.

"Dunno," you answer, shrugging nonchalantly. Bucky casts you a suspicious look as you avert your gaze.

"We're leaking air," Natasha calls out. "I don't suppose you have extra tires laying around in that dirty old place," she says, gesturing towards the theatre.

Bucky's attention is pulled from you as he scowls at Natasha, but you look over at him and he catches your eye. You give him a look that pleads patience and he lets out a huff, rolling his eyes and walking over to Steve to crouch and inspect the tire himself.

"We can't drive on this. It's already almost completely flat," he grunts.

"Any ideas?" Nat says, subtly looking over at you. Her eyes widen in silent communication. You return her sign as Steve speaks up.

"I'll go find a replacement," says Steve, walking up to give you a quick kiss on the cheek. As he leans in, you give Nat one more look, and her gaze flits from you to Steve. 

This is it. 

If you're going to go with them, this is your only chance.

"Steve, wait," you say as he pulls away. 

Concerned, Steve turns and his blue eyes search yours. His stare drops to your shaking hands. You try to still them, but Steve catches them in his own.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asks.

"Steve I...I can't do another goodbye," you say quietly, dropping your eyes. "I can't keep-I need...," you shut your mouth and swallow nervously, trying to get a hold of yourself. Slowly looking back up at Steve, you let out a deep breath. "Just tell me you'll see me when you get home, so I can go inside and start waiting for you to come back."

Steve's brow creases, but he nods and brings a warm hand to your cheek. "I understand," he whispers gently, keeping his blue eyes on yours as he slowly pulls you forward. Your eyes flutter closed as Steve places a warm, lingering kiss on your lips. Your stomach explodes into butterflies at the thought that Bucky and Natasha are standing only a few feet away. But Steve doesn't care. Right now, it's only you and him.

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