kokushibo hidden ending

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Yn ran through the night, unsuspecting of what could happen but yet again yn was oblivious.

She also had another objective, to make it through the night with out having an demons attack her.

She truly didn't have a nichirin blade with her and there was a high risk of her getting attacked.

This place was normally a place of peace since it was covered in wisteria flowers but it was now a battle field since the demons decided it was a great idea to attack them.

truthfully the reason why yn was running is because she wanted to see the final battle and had gotten lost, 'i'm such an idiot' yn thought.

Eventually yn came into an open field, the full moon looked a lot bigger than it usally would.

Then suddenly something hit the back of her neck, she felt her body go limp but her eyes stayed open, no matter how hard she tried to move she couldn't whoever had hit her neck was skilled because of that.

"HM don't worry your finally mine and I'll never let anyone ruin your light" wait that was kokushibo's voice, why did he hit her from behind, it made no sense.

Yn didn't have any time to think about it because her eyes then started to close until it got to the point where she couldn't keep them open and fell into complete darkness...

When yn woke up again she wasn't in the forest again, she was in a house by the look of it, it wasn't a small house but it definitely wasn't a big one either but yet again she was only in one room.

She then tried to get up only to be held back by some chains that were wrapped around both of yn's wrists, "what the heck are these" yn thought for a second before remembering what had happened.

'Oh my god kokushibo kidnapped me, but why? Did muzan order him to do this-' yn's thoughts were cut of when she suddenly heard the door open.

Yn looked at the person too see kokushibo he had a tray of food in his hands, it was then that yn's stomach felt hungry, just how long had she been out?

"Why?" Yn's throat was dry so it was very hard to speak, "why am I here" yn finally managed to get that question out but it only made her throat hurt more.

kokushibo didn't hesitate, he grabbed water from a vase and put it near yn's lips which she gladly took a sip from, in the end yn ended up drinking the entire vase but it made yn's health a lot better.

"please tell me why am I here" yn asked one more time.

kokushibo knew that he "loved" yn so he didn't exactly know how to explain the situation to her, after all she was fragile and she wouldn't be able to handle the fact that he had taken her so he decided to play in a way he knew she wouldn't be able to refuse.

He put his head in her lap and wrapped his arms around her waist, "please, please don't leave me, I need you" he made sure his voice sounded as sad and as desperate as possible because that was what she was weak too.

Yn looked down at him, he looked so pitiful and yn felt her heart melt in pity, perhaps the reason why he looked so sad was because he missed her l, I mean she just retired from being a demon Slayer she had no where to go besides one of the pillars house but to be honest yn didn't exactly feel comfortable living with them anymore as they were acting weird.

"I'll live with you but only on one condition, you don't attack humans" yn told him.

"I won't" that was a lie of course but yn was far to trusting, he needed humans to survive.

He then told her he had some food for her, he turned around to hide his smirk, it was finally done.

Yn was finally his.

Ok end(btw I sorry for weird chapter but ideas alluded my mind and pls tell me which hidden ending you want next or else I can't write)

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