Chapter 13 - Pasch

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The morning goes slowly even though we got to sleep in, which was really nice for a change. Usually we have to get up at an ungodly hour. I am made to put all my cats outside THEN sweep the floors, THEN I have to do my lessons quietly in my room. It's terribly boring. And I'm last for everything because I'm in 'worse trouble' because the whole break out was 'my idea' because I'm a 'bad influence' who 'threatens people with knives'. I still haven't charmed Cora into giving me my music back which is extremely annoying.

Eventually Cora comes and collects my things and tells me to go practice with Errol before my lunch.

"I'm a normie---can't I just eat lunch?" I complain.

"You know we have to do the sessions anyway for the paperwork---and apologize for how ugly you were to your dad last night while you're at it," she says.

"I'm not sorry," I mumble.

"You know for a fact upsetting your brother is wrong. I don't care if you didn't mean it, it wasn't a nice thing to do. That's why your music was taken away. Because you were cruel to your brother---who protected you from at the very least broken bones at the hands of the Jordans," Cora says, folding her arms.

I hang my head. Dax was upset. I mean, he thinks I'm not psychic he is so I don't see why. But he does like me and he did protect me and he's still all sad and upset.

"Dax is always trying to be nice to everyone," I mumble.

"Come here, we wouldn't set rules if we didn't love you," Cora says, giving me a hug.

"I don't suppose I could have my music back if I apologized to absolutely everyone?" I ask, hopefully.

"No, you could not, because that's not the point of the apology. Try to stay out of trouble and not smuggle cats in or sass your dad for let's go with two days, then we'll talk about plea deals all right?" she asks, rubbing my hair fondly.

"I can do two days!" I never have before.

"You never have before--------------but I believe in you," Errol came up 'cause I was taking so long.

"I can try," I say, following him down the stairs.

"Go do your practice, then come have lunch with me. I waited to eat with you," Miss Cora says.

"That's nice I'll take Nel outside for her exercise or whatever," Errol says. We have daily physical fitness stuff that's supposed to be some sort of regime we quit worrying about that when I was three and now we typically play football 'cause Jules likes it, or run relay races, or hide and seek, or whatever we like in the sunshine. If it's super rainy we do it in doors. We being us children. The grown ups stand around saying 'can you please not do this like you do every time' while we sprint from one end of the house to the other with random objects. Really fun.

"Yeah okay-----no you won't-- you haven't eaten."

"I have."


"Okay fine, I haven't I'm not hungry."

"You'll be sick with all those pills you took you're eating something."

"Stop acting like you're actually married," I sigh, tromping over to the sofa where I sprawl dramatically. Sadly I'm in my uniform, which is hard to be dramatic in. I need like a shawl.

"Stop sprawling on things dramatically you know we have to do this," Errol says, sitting down on an ottoman across from me.

"I think it's stupid. Just write the Council and tell them I'm incredibly dull and ought to be packed off," I say.

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