Chapter 2 - A Strange Mystery

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                        Kyoko POV

'What....the hell!?' I think to myself.

"How did this happen!?" Shuichi yelled, he was very shocked.

[TW: mentions of parent de4th, de4th, and gruesome descriptions of de4th]

Shiota's parents were both de4d, his mom was hung from the wall by both of her arms with scissors holding her up fully. She had a big hole in her stomach, most likely from a shotgun.

His dad, however, was laying on the ground with many holes, it's most likely that all the holes are from one single knife.

"How gruesome. They were brutally murdered." I say as I step away from the two corpses.

"Saihara. I don't believe that this was an assassination like Shiota's was. It seems like the father killed the mother." I explain.

"How so? There's no evidence to prove that at all Kirigiri~san." Shuichi responds as he began to sweat worried if there was a murderer, and if they we're still around.

"In fact, there is. Notice how the mother is on the wall, while the father is on the ground, although that may be just a coincidence. I think not because the second pair of scissors holding the wife up has a peice of cloth from the husbands shirt on it." I explain as I examine the corpses more, "The husband had to of been hiding them behind his back as he walked up to her."

I continue, "this also explains how the husband would be on the ground and not on the wall as well, he must've been trying to mimic the murder methods of the notorious killer, Genocide Jack. He might've been very sad about his son's death, so he turned to su/cide. I'm assuming the wife walked in, so for unknown reasons, he k!lled her and then stabbed himself many times before reaching his doom. All of this in the lobby of a hotel. The question is, why, in the middle of the lobby, did he do it?" I finally finish explaining my assumption of the case.

"Wow that'd make a lot of sense Kirigiri~san. I think you might've just solved the case!" Shuichi exclaims excited.

"Thank you Saihara. Now, we need to tell the police. And fast before someone comes here and thinks we did it." I state, as I walk out rather quickly with Saihara following close behind me.

We arrive at the police station and explain the case. They thank us for our help and we walk out right after.

"Now then," I adjust my glove as we go back to the scene where Shiota was murdered, "Back to the case at hand."


Time skip: from July 19th, 2020, 16:39 to July 23rd, 2020, 11:49

                     Shuichi's POV

Damn,, it's been 6 days since we first got on the case and we're no where close to a conclusion! Why..

I get snapped out of my thoughts when my friend, Maki Harukawa, called.

"Hello? Maki?" I say when I pick up my phone.

"Shuichi. I think I may have something to help you with your case, meet me at Shiota's crime scene." She explained as cold as ever, like always.

"Alright, I'll be there soon." I say as I hang up.

I quickly grab my hat and run out the door. If we finally have some evidence pointing toward the murderer taht's be amazing! Im glad Im friends with Maki.


I arrive at the scene and gets greeted by Maki. She's standing right next to where we believe his body was..taht's kinda strange how would she know that?

"I'll get straight to the point, Shuichi. Im the one who killed Shiota Yugashira. I got a job with a big pay and I would've regretted not taking it." She explained without even holding back.

"Really..? But..if you did..why tell this to me? Im one of the detectives on your case, I could turn you in, you know that, right?" I say in a sad and worried tone.

"I know that well, I told you because, well, I trust that you won't turn me in since we're friends. So, will you or will you not?" Maki glared at me with a knife in hand.

"N-no? I guess not? I mean,, do I really have a choice- you seem like youre about to stab me, Maki, so I won't." I state and begin to sweat worrying if she's about to kill me.

"Ah well,," she says, turns around and hides her face while putting the knife away, "I'm not gonna stab you dumbass."

That made me feel at ease, it was terrifying.

"Well uh, what do you want me to do knowing this Maki?" I ask calmly.

She turns back toward me, "I needed to get it off my even though you're a detective and on this case. I wanted to tell you." Maki says while blushing a bit.

"Maki..are you blushing?" I ask curiously.

"WHAT!? NO I'M NOT! DO YOU WANNA DIE?" She yells angerily.

"SORRY! SORRY!!" I yell as well.

She sighs, "it's fine Shuichi. Just don't ever say that again or I will stab you." She said, I shook a bit.

"Alright Maki, well I guess I'll be going now,, I'll see you around." I say, still worried that she is gonna stab me.

"Ah alright then, if you tell anyone about this though, even if it's Kirigiri, I will stab you." She said as she glared at me and pulled the knife out again.

I jumped a bit and quickly left. Maki can be really scary sometimes,,

But, she's really cool and nice too..


Yo! It's me again! Sorry for the short chapter- Ill try to make the next one longer!! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! And look foward to future chapters too if you liked this one! Anyway, thanks for reading!
                    Signing off,

Word count: 982

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