Chapter 3 - Find a Solution..

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Shuichi's POV

I held my head with stress and thought about what I should do. Why would she just tell me that??

Maki Harukawa, my friend, we survived the killing game with Himiko Yumeno as well, since it was only a simulation, we actually all lived.

She recently told me she was the mysterious assassin my detective agency was trying to find. I don't know what to do..I don't want her to get arrested! If I tell anyone she'll kill me too!

"Wait!" I yelled out, as I pulled out my computer quickly. I can research other famous assassins and frame one of them! That's great! Then again, they may stare at me when they're arrested, or even fight their arrest!!

Dammit! Not to mention, if they find out I'm framing someone, I may even lose my job! Mom and dad would be ashamed if I did..

Okay fine! I'll continue to investigate acting like I have no clue. That should be believable, I'll do it.

                       3rd Person POV


"Listen. We need the information you have, please, give it to us." Kyoko said strictly to the witness of the crime.

"I- I swear!! I know nothing please, ma'am! Believe me!" The witness cried out.

"You were right at your window the whole time, you had to of seen something." Kyoko explained and stepped back a bit.

"Fine! I'll tell you..the murderer had a black skii mask and hoodie on. I didn't see anything that would help!!! Please, can I go now.." he teared up and yelled.

Kyoko stepped back, "Alright. You are free to go, please, report anything else you find to us at Kirigiri Saihara Detective Co." She finished and opened the door.

"O-oh!! Thank you so much Ms. Kirigiri!" The witness said happily while running out.


"Still barely anything..I guess I'll have to 'her' in." Kyoko said holding her head, "I have no other choice."

She picked up the phone and contacted a mystery person.

                        Shuichi's POV

**ring ring**

What..? What's ringing? Is it my doorbell? Can't I just sleep..


"I'm coming-!" I yelled at the door slowly getting up from my comfy bed.

"Finally Shuichi, took you long enough!" Kaede exclaimed at my door, with Kokichi, Gonta, Tenko, and Kiibo behind her.

"OH uh- what a surprise Kaede!! Please,, come on in?" I say nervously due to the fact I did not expect them to suddenly come.

"Nice house you have her Shuichi! AH- WAIT- WHAT IS THAT-" Kiibo panicked after spotting the dog quickly running at him.

"Scruffy! Stay." Kaede said calmly, almost immediately the Yorkie piped down.

"Oh, thank you Kaede. I thought I was about to get broken!!!" Kiibo said in a panicked tone.

"Nishishi! Now you wouldn't need to worry about that if you weren't a robot Keeboy~!" Kokichi laughed.

"Hey! We're at Shuichis house no robophobia!!!" Kiibo yelled.

"Gonta agrees. No robophobia, Kokichi!"
Gonta added.

"Okay, let's all settle down, here, we can watch Himiko's magic show!! It's live!" Tenko exclaimed, stars in her eyes.

"Ah- uhm, what channel is it on?" I ask.

"Well uh, I think it's called 'Yubi magic shows'?" She answered confused.

"I believe I may have th-" Quickly, I was interupted by the sound of a phone ringing.

Curiously, I answer. "Saihara. Get to the head building immediately." Kyoko says and hangs up.

"Uh- I- I'm sorry you all, but you have to leave. Please, see your way out, I have something I have to do immediately." I say nervously and feel bad after.

"Oh alright! We can all hang out some other time." Kaede smiles and waves goodbye as she walked out.

"Bye-bye Shumai!!" Kokichi exclaims as he leaves.

"Gonta hopes business goes well!" Gonta says.

"Goodbye Saihara! Please, don't let your dog break me apart!!" Kiibo said with fear in his eyes as he walks.

"Even though you're a degenerate, we can hang out if you want! Male.." Tenko glares as she walks.

"Goodbye everyone, uh- you can stop by anytime?" I say as I rush to get ready.

Closing my door, I run over to my room and grab my bag with my detective equipment in it. As well as my hat, and finally I set off.

Why would she ask me to come over to the agency so suddenly? Wait, did she find out it was Maki?! I need to hurry up..

"Kirigiri, I'm here, what is it you need?" I state while walking in to her office.

"Here, Saihara. I have put time to research current known assassin families." She explains as I stare in fear thinking she may know, "The most popular and richest one at the moment, is the Harukawas. They have a son and a daughter."

Maki has a brother? She never told me..

Kirigiri continued, "The son is unknown, and has no record since 2004. However, the daughter is Maki. I believe you know her, correct?"

"Y-yes, I know her. She may not have done it though, we shouldn't assume.." I try not to make it seem like I know something.

"We're not, we'll simply interview the Harukawa family including her. We shall start with Shiota Harukawa, the father." Kyoko explains.

"I suppose that makes sense..where will we find them though? Will they even agree?" I panic a bit and ask.

"They won't have a choice, and you're acting odd, do you know something Saihara? Tell me the truth." She glares at me.

" I don't I promise. If I did I would've told you." I hesitate to speak.

"Alright, I believe you. Now then, let's go. Standing around won't solve this." Kirigiri states as she grabs her notebook, a pen, her computer, and a few other things. While I grab my bag again and follow.

Finally, we walk out the big doors, and set off on our 'quest', I guess you could call it, and find Maki's Dad.


Hiya! Finally updated this, I hope this chapter was enjoyable even if it was a bit short! New fanfic soon that is something other than DR, no spoilers though! I'll have more chapters this out soon, so please, stay tooned!
       Word count: 1037

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