Chapter 1 - The death of Shiota Yugashira

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                     3rd person POV


A shot was heard as Maki Harukawa, the Ultimate Assassin, had eliminated her target. The man had screamed in pain, but before anyone could hear him, the assassin snapped his neck.

Maki sighed and began to drag the body to the middle of the alleyway. She then puts down her gun, and picks up a match. The alley began to light up as Maki grabbed her gun and walked off.

Soon, the police had been called about the incident. Within minutes the police had arrived, they were shocked at the scene that awaited them. A burnt corpse that laid in the center of the alleyway with various blood stains all around the alley.

They called one of their best Detectives, Kyoko Kirigiri, to investigate the scene. She accepts the request, however, she would only do it if she could bring her partner, Shuichi Saihara, to investigate as well.

The police agree to her terms, and Kyoko hung up the phone, she then calls Shuichi.

"Hello Saihara, how have you been?" Kyoko asks to start a conversation with the boy.

"Oh, hello Kirigiri. I've been alright, how have you been?" Shuichi responds.

"I've been alright as well, though we have a case to solve. If you do not mind, meet me beside Hopes' Peak Academy." She explains sternly.

"Alright. See you there Kirigiri-san." Shuichi said as he hung up.

Kyoko sighed and looked at the burnt corpse. She thought a second before she began to investigate.
                     Shuichi's POV
I grabbed my hat and threw it on before heading out the door. This is the third murder case this week and we still haven't solved the last two yet.

I sigh as I begin walking to the destination, questioning if it could possibly be the same person killing all those people. It is a possiblity, the culprit or culprits are always gone before the police arrive, and no one ever says they see anyone around.

I think for a minute before I stop walking.

"It could be an assassin.." I mumble quietly before shaking off the thought and walking again.

Once I arrive, i see Kirigiri-san investigating around the corpse.

"Ah, Saihara you've arrived, I've gathered some evidence from around the body, it seems similar to some of the evidence we found at the other two crime scenes. Do you think they may be connected in some way?" She explains sternly.

"Maybe..what evidence have you found? Is it the say dark brown hair strand we usually find at these crime scenes?" I respond as i walk over to the corpse.

"Yep, i've also found a peice of glass as well." Kyoko answers rather quickly.

"Hmm....wait, Do you see the broken window up there?" I say as I point to a broken window above us.

"Broken...window?" She mumbles slightly confused as she looks up, "Oh, you're right, there is a broken window there. Maybe that's where the culprit came from, we should investigate that room soon."

"Yeah, right. We should also ask people around here, maybe they heard some noises from here, that could be helpful." I respond while looking around, "There, someone must live in that house."

I pointed at a light yellow, old looking house that was near where we were at.

"Well, that house looks pretty old, but I suppose it's wouldnt waste time to see if anyone lives there.." Kyoko responds while examining the house.

We both walk over to the old house and knock on the door. No one answered, One or two minutes pass and we decide to knock again. Once again, no one answered.

We both sigh in disappointment and begin to walk away when we suddenly hear the sound of the door opening. We turn back around curiously and see a old lady with light gray hair.

"Why did you two children come knocking on my door?" She asks annoyed.

"Oh, well we are detectives, we're currently investigating the death of Shiota Yugashira who died right over there a few hours ago. Did you happen to hear or see anything, ma'am?" Kyoko explains thoroughly to the old lady.

"No i'm very sorry. However, you said Shiota Yugashira, correct?" The lady answers politely.

"Yes, Shiota Yugashira, do you know someone related to him perhaps?" Kyoko responds in a stern tone.

"Yes, I am his aunt, Kirstie Kagayame, and i know his mother and father." Kirsite explains in a slightly upset tone.

"Alright, do you mind giving us their addresses and names?" Kyoko asks pulling out a notepad and pen.

"His mother is Dami Yugashira and his father is Sebastian Yugashira, they live in the apartment building right down the street." She explains sad in a rather sad tone, from what i could see, tears were forming in her eyes.

"Thank you very much, Kirstie. We will see you later." Kyoko says and smiles.

"Alright..goodbye.." She responds as she walks back into her house with tears rolling down her cheeks.

We begin to walk off and head towards the apartment.

"It's odd that she didn't hear anything, she lives right beside the crime scene." Kyoko says in a annoyed tone.

"She may have bad hearing, or maybe she was asleep." I respond and begin to sweat slightly and smile nervously.

"Yeah, you're right." She mumbles loudly and looks at her notebook, "So the nearest apartment building is called 'Dangan apartments' all we need to do is ask to see Sebastian and Dami Yugashira when we get there."

"Alright." I say and begin to look around.
                      Kyoko's POV
I examine the information I wrote down in the notepad thoroughly before putting it back into my pocket.

I'm quite suspicious of that lady, how would she not hear anything when she live right next to the area of which Shiota was killed? She should've heard something, maybe foot steps or glass being broken even.

Me and Saihara arrive at the apartment building and begin to walk in when he suddenly stops me.

"What is it, Saihara?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"Well, you know how we've always found similar evidence at the last 3 crime scenes we've investigated?" He asks in a slightly nervous tone.

"Yes?" I respond in a confused tone.

"Well, do you think it could be an assassin that killed all three of them? There's a lot of evidence that we've found that points towards an assassin, so I believe one committed all three murders." He explains thoroughly.

"'re right.." I respond and begin to think.

If it is an assassin, then it must be an assassin from one of the three biggest assassin families we know, Neikio, Buffinlon, and Harukawa. I suspect Neikio because of the methods used to kill Shiota, but that doesn't clear Buffinlon and Harukawa. I need to think about this more and do more research on each family's methods.

"Kirigiri-san? Are you alright?" Shuichi says and snaps me out of my thought immediately.

"Yes, i'm fine, let's just go and see Shiota's parents." I respond in a slightly nervous tone.

We walk into the building and are shocked to see what we thought would be just a normal lobby.
Word Count: 1202

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