⌗034. [2029] One Last Time

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[Diana's POV]

"Diana-ssi, can you talk a little first about your album, Finally Home?"

I smiled before nearing the microphone to my lips.

"Yeah. This album consists of 12 songs that I produced together with a lot of other producers. Mixture of language especially in the outro, HOME which I used Korean, English, Mandarin, Malay and lots more other languages in the world." I started and cleared my throat.

"As I've said during the final concert of Our Home last year at Seoul Olympic Stadium, this will be my last album before my contract expires this 20th of July, 2029. So, I put really huge effort in producing and creating this album and also other staff lent huge support and help to me too."

"Obviously, throughout some albums especially these few years, I've been making a storyline of my album and honestly, my own journey in the music industry which a lot of you know."

"Firstly, I never thought of having a storyline when I started. That's where Out of The Woods came out. After Delusions came out, I decided to continue the story. The Vision, Enigmatic, The Journey, Our Home and the final album, the last one titled, Finally Home."

"Basically, just finding myself in the midst of working hard to prepare for family or even for myself. Um, finding the right person or right thing for me. Right career and right people to befriend. Choosing the right path in the midst of um, world that is full with unpredictable things." I continued and gulped.

"I put my own life story, romance story, um, family, friends, friends turned into enemies, reuniting, or just coming back together eventually. Just simple things."

"And then finally this album, Finally Home. The title itself tells everything as I land my career. Um, retiring. I've found myself. Found stabilizer to my life. Worked hard. Time to rest. Give other people space to evolve too. I can't help but to admit that I myself feel that I've helped a lot of people too and I think it's time for other people or artists to continue this work under their name this time." I said.

"So, yeah. That is about my album, Finally Home."

I smiled and nodded to the journalists who are taking notes and taking pictures.

"Thank you, Diana. We appreciate your explanation about your album. Like what she told us, this is her final album and will the last comeback she will have before she retires. Now she is focusing on just spending time with her fans." The emcee said. I smiled and nodded.

"Alright. We will move on to the next journalist."

"Nae, annyeonghaseyo, Diana-ssi. I would like to ask if you would come back next time maybe like BTS since they are rumored to have a reunion comeback after over 5 years separating."

I smiled and nodded, "Thank you for your question. I haven't thought of coming back yet. But it might be possible. If I am given the chance again next time if I want, I would love to. For now, I'm not thinking of coming back. I just want to rest at least for 5 years from performing onstage. I want to focus on myself for now." I answered politely the question that the journalist asked.

"Diana-ssi, how do you feel when your final album was released? What do you feel reading the comments under the music video?" the next journalist asked.

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