Chapter 6

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@MisfitGirl3390 Takeover


(One Day Later)

It’s only been a day, and Jacob is already stressing me the hell out. I mean, you would be paranoid too, if a vampire followed you like a stalker exboyfriend. I can’t get rid of him, I have no privacy. The only good thing that happened, is that I talked to Rayan yesterday, since I couldn’t go on the date that was planned, I got Jasmine to do something useful other than getting me into trouble, so now I have his number. Everytime I mention him Jacob tenses up or gets angry. There’s something he’s not saying but I’m done being nosy for a while.

Right now I’m in school, sitting in class, listen to Mr.Brown’s boring lecture, good thing this is last period.

Jas: “ MELODY!” She whispered.

I glanced at her. “ What! You’re right next to me, don’t whisper so loud.” I hissed.

Jas: “ Can I have your poptart?” She whispered.

I glared at her. “ No! It’s mine!” I whispered back.

Jas: “ Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-(GCO)

Me: “ Shut the hell up.” I throw the poptart at her.

Jas: “ Yaaayyy.” She whispered.

I shook my head and faced the teacher again. I bent down to grab my notebook and a sharp pain went through my neck. I took in a sharp breath and sighed. I fixed my scarf. I shouldn’t have came to school today, but Jacob has been really annoying me. The bell rung and I packed up.

Jas: “ Should I go with you, just in case?”

Me: “ I’m sure he won’t hurt me, and you annoy him, it’ll only make him angry.”

Jas: “ I’m sure I don’t annoy him that much.”

We were walking out the building.

“ Then don’t believe yourself, because you do annoy me that much.”

I turned around to see Jacob. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. My phone rang and I answered it.

“ Hello?”. “ Good afternoon.”

I laughed. “ Hey Ray.” I smiled.

Ray: “ How was school?”

I looked back at Jacob. “ Annoying.” I glared at him then turned back around. Ray chuckled.

Ray: “ How about I come visit to make it better?” He offered.

Me: “ I would love that!”

Ray: “ Good, see you at 4:30?”

Hidden (A J.P V Story) Book 1 (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now