Chapter 2

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  @MisfitGirl3390 Takeover!! 

                                                                          Two Days Later


" I never said that." I rolled my eyes.

Chres: " Well that's what you meant, how long has it been since you've eaten?"

I looked at the clock on my phone then put it back to my ear." An hour ago."

Chres sucked his teeth." I mean BLOOD Jacob."

My stomach growled at the word." It's, been a while."

Chres: " I understand you don't want to hurt anyone, but if you keep this up you'll loose control."

 I sighed. I walked out of my house and down the street.

" Um, Jacob?" Someone asked.

I turned around and saw Melody." I'll call you back." I hung up. 

Melody: " Hi," She said shyly.

I smiled." Hi Melody. Do you need something?"

Melody: " Well um, I just wanted to talk, you said we'd see each other later. This is later." She smiled slightly.

I chuckled." True...ask me anything."

Melody: " old are you?"

Me: " I'm 20."

She nodded." I'm 18. What's your.......favorite color?"

Me: " I'm into green."

She gasped dramatically." Me too." She said in a serious voice.

We laughed.

Melody: " What do you do for a living?"

Me: " Well, I'm working on owning a music company. I'm working at one right now."

Melody: " Wow! Really?"

I nodded.

Melody: " That sounds like so much fun!" She smiled.

 I laughed." It is. But it's a lot of work too. We're doing internships soon, if you want to." I offered her.

 Melody: " Yesss!! I would love to!"

 I smiled." Good."

I've been seeing her a lot lately. It's like she's been spying on me. I hope it's just a coincidence. If she finds out too much about me she'll be in trouble.

Me: " I'll talk to you later Melody."

She nodded." Okay! Bye."

I walked off.


Me: " Look, it's been two days and we're getting nowhere with your little adventure!" I whispered.

Jas: " Oh come on, I feel like we're close!" She whispered back.

We were hiding behind a building watching Jacob.

Me: " I feel like a creep, sitting here stalking him."

Jas: " Shush."

We watched him go into an abandoned building. 

Me and Jas looked at each other.

Jas: " See! I told you! So when he comes out you're gonna go see what's in there."

Me: " WHAT!"

Jas: " What? You're faster than me!"

I huffed. Once Jacob left the building and he wasn't in sight I snuck inside. I looked around. There were a lot of pictures and newspapers. I picked up an article. It was about vampires. Does he think they're real? I heard something fall and I jumped.

Okay lemme dip cause I'm too scared right now. I snuck out of the building.

" Hi Melody."

I yelped and turned around to see myself face to face with Jacob.

Me: " Uhm, heyy."

Jacob: " It's a little late for you to be out here alone don't you think?"

I looked around." Yeah, well, I was just leaving now." I smiled. My heart was beating out of my chest. Where did he come from? When did he come?

Jacob smiled then leaned in closer to my face. He went to my ear.

Jacob: " I caught you Melody. I don't think you should come back here, because if I see you in that building again, I won't be so nice with you." He whispered in my ear.

Me: " What's in there that's so special?"

Jacob looked me in my eyes. I could've melted right there.

Jacob: " Nothing that should interest you. Melody, don't come back here." 

I looked down and nodded.

Jacob: " Why are you spying on me anyway?"

Now if I tell him why he's gonna laugh at me.

Me: " Me and my friend, heard some rumors and we wanted to know if they were true..."

Jacob: " You could've just asked me, you know that right?"

I nodded again. Jacob sighed." Melody, don't do things like this. It's dangerous. You never know what someone is like. I could've been a serial killer for all you knew."

I feel like a little kid getting yelled at." I'm sorry." I looked up at him.

Jacob stared at me for a while." It's okay. Just please, don't come back here."

Me: " I won't."

Jacob: " I'll walk you home."

I nodded.

A/N: AYE! It's yours truly MisfitGirl! So sorry! I'm less than 300 words short! I couldn't really concentrate! But I'm sure next time I write a chapter it will be better! Since Bj said I can do this...I wanna tell you bout the book on my profile! It's called Mental (J.P Love Story) now, I love Princeton. That's my baby. And of course Mental is about Princeton. If you like the chapters I post here, you'll love my book! Check it out! But...I'm sleepy, and there's school tomorrow -_- T.G.I.F doe! xD Baii

                                      Peace, Love, Equality

                                                                                   Bj & MG

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