Chapter 1

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Awesome sauce

                                                           @MisfitGirl3390 Take Over!


My alarm clock went off.

I groaned loudly and hit the snooze button. The last thing I wanted to do, was get up for school.

I'm Melody Valentine, I'm 18 years old, and I just moved here in Florida. 

My mother recently passed away so I have to stay with my father. I'm going to a new school today too. Now even though, it's already second semester, that's not really my issue. My issue, is my father.

He hasn't been there since I was he wants to act fatherly?


I got up and brushed my teeth. I fixed my light brown curly hair into an afro.

I put on some black joggers with a red long sleeve crop top that says 'Misfits' in red letters with some black and red Jordons.

To avoid seeing my, 'father'....I skipped breakfast and headed for school.

I walked out of the house putting my bookbag onto my shoulder. I bumped into someone and fell onto the sidewalk. My binder fell out my bookbag into the street.


I sighed and got up. The person I bumped into got my binder and handed it to me. I looked.


He was....yasss. Words can't describe what I'm looking at right now. Wow.

He smirked at me.

Oh my goodness. Wait, JESUS I'm staring!

Me: " Sorry, for bumping into you."

" It's okay."

He looks, about 21 maybe. Those chocolate eyes though. I'm staring AGAIN! I looked down.

" What's your name?"

I looked up." Melody, yours?"

" Jacob."

Jesus, his name is sexy too....what is wrong with me? His afro though, I wanna touch his hair so bad. 

I'm staring again -_-.

Jacob chuckled." Are you okay?"

Me: " Hmmm......OH! I'm fine, yes, I just, have to, get to school heh."

I nervously laughed that off!

Jacob smiled." Okay, I guess I'll see you around Melody." He walked off.


I ran to school, opened my locker and screamed inside it.

" That's completly normal Melody." My friend Jasmine said.

I looked at her." I. Just saw. The most sexiest boy. Ever in mankind." 

Her eyes widened." Don't tell me you mean Jacob Perez."


Jas laughed at me." Girl, Jacob his everyone's eye candy, but he's real mysterious, I'm surprised he was out right now..."

Me: " What you mean?"

Jas: " I heard that he doesn't go outside at ALL during the day sometimes, he always wears this, ring all the time and he doesn't eat much."

Me: " The rumors these days."

Jas: " Aye they might be true!"

" Yeah, MIGHT!" I said.

The bell rung.

Jas: " What ever girl, see you after school."


The only thing going through my head right now is Jacob, and I really think that's a shame cause I need to focus. When the last bell rung, I packed up my stuff and went outside looking for Jas. When I found her we started to walk home.

Me: " Can we go to your house?"

Jas: " You not tying to go home?"

I shook my head.

Jasmine nodded." Yeah, but I have a plan...."

Me: " Which is...."

Jas: " Let's see if we can find out if those rumors about Jacob are true!"

Me: ".....Bruh..."

Jas: " Come on it'll be fun."

Me: " We don't know this dude! He's probably a really handsome serial killer!"

She giggled." Like Dexter."

Me: " .........NO!"

Jas: " Oh come on! It'll keep you busy, instead of going home." She wiggled her eyebrows.

I facepalmed." Fine...."

Jas: " YASSS!"

I shook my head." But if he a serial killer, Imma say I told you so."

Jas: " I bet he's not!" We walked in her house.

A/N: Ello darlings! This was my chapter and I hoped you enjoyed! ^.^ More is on the way!

              Peace, Love, Equality,

                                                         Bj and MisfitGirl

Hidden (A J.P V Story) Book 1 (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now