Chapter 3

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@Rayslove_princewifey time to shine



Melody Pov 

Jacob was walking me home and I spotted Jas in the bushes and she was giving me the look that said "WTF are you doing" I just ignored her of course, what would I look like talking to a bush jacob would think I was a weirdo. 

It was kind of quiet so I broke it

Me- so jacob where you from

Jacob- here

Me- how long have you been here

Jacob- you ask a lot of questions you know that.   -Looks at me-

Me- -mumbles- unless your hiding something...

Jacob- no I am not there is nothing to hide.

Melody's how in the world did he hear no-one can ever hear my mumbles I mean ever!!!!

Me- welp would you look at that where at my house.... it was nice talking to you jacob bye. -Runs in the house and slams the door

Jacob pov 

When melody ran in the house it was like she was scared of me and for some reason I kind of liked how I made her nervous.  -Chuckles- yeah she sprung 

Melody pov 

After that odd conversation with jacob he finally went home after staring at my house for what seemed like an hour. But anyways I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat as always and I'm gonna head yo the store.....yep that's what I'll do 

At the store 

Melody pov 

As I entered the store and went down to the chips isle this guy with 2 braids who was incredibly handsome was there I mean he was like heaven like when I saw jacob almost as if there in the same weirdo group 

I hadn't realized I had walk into him until I was on top of him.

Me- OH MY GOSH!.... I am so sorry

2Braids- it's ok.......

Me- Melody Valentine

2Braids- Rayan Lopez

Me- (thoughts- that's a sexy name)

Rayan- chuckles-  Thankyou

Me- (eyes widen) oh you heard me

Rayan- yeah......listen I should get going...... I'll see you around melody -walk off-

Melody pov 

HE WAS HOT OH MY GOSH THAT BOY WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME..... anyways I bought my chips and walked home thinking about rayan uh even his name is gorgeous!

Annonymous pov 

I got her right where I want her 

Whoop well that was someone who do you think that mysterious person was but anyways comment and vote

          Spread the peace 


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