3 : Still Friends?

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4th Year's Of University

Beam is having his internship in Phana's family hospital alongside Phana, himself and Kit because Phana's father has plans for the three musketeers. He was planning to make them the renowned expert in their speciality thus making the hospital the number one choice to get their treatment in terms of Phana and his friend's expertise.

But however, they still need to start from the bottom to get a grasp of what coming towards them in the future and proving themselves. He needs them ready physically and mentally for his plans.

Beam in paediatric.

Phana in neurosurgery.

Kit in Orthopaedic.

Phana had already recruited his two friends since high school and help his father to sculpt the two accordingly to his plans.

"The ER is crazy today. I think I'm gonna crash out in my scrubs." Beam complained weakly.

"Ugh! Don't remind me. I don't know whether I'm sleeping or waking up at this moment." Kit added.

"Wake up you two. Your boyfies is here." Phana voiced out

"What boyfie? I'm single." Kit reminded Phana. He broke up with Ming nearly a year ago because Kit thinks Ming is rushing things a bit proposing to him. He loves him but not enough to give himself entirely for the rest of his life yet.

So, Kit say no and broke up with Ming.

"Someone doesn't have a give up word in his dictionary." Phana teases his friend.

Meanwhile, Beam just keeps his eyes shut waiting for the usual warms familiar hands to lift him on his back and piggybacking him home.

"Another tiring day?" Ming asked Phana.

"Hmm...These two have it worst. They have their shift at the ER this month." Phana elaborated smiling bitterly seeing his bestfriend tiredly slumping themselves together at the chairs.

"I'll get this one first. See you guys around." Forth lifts Beam on his back where the man instinctively hugs him like a koala while his eyes shutting still.

Phana and Ming watch Beam and Forth get out from the building with envious eyes. They're the ones who publicly dating but it seems like Beam and Forth is the one getting stronger in bond without any label on their weird relationship.

None saying anything about their level of friendship.

"I envy those two." Ming pipes out his eyes staring longingly at the figure sleeping alone in the chair.

Phana just scoffed at how true the statement is.

"I broke up with Yo. It's getting impossible to take care of him like before. I need him to change for me too. I can't keep changing for him. I'll lose myself sooner or later." Phana explained even before Ming asked. He knows why the latter is here. It's not for Kit.

"He's leaving for London next week. Think thoroughly if it's worth it. End it completely. Don't leave him hanging for something he has no chances to revert." Ming reminded Phana.

"But we're still gonna be friends right?" Phana asked with a smile. He and Ming might not be dating each other besties anymore but he considered Ming as one of his close friends.

"I owe you and Phi Forth my life. How can I escaped you two easily?" Ming replied smiling then pat Phana shoulder before he proceeds to do the same thing as Forth, taking Kit with him to help him get home.

He needs closure as well.


2nd Year's of University

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