4 : Forever?

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3rd Year's of University

Forth is missing.

Like missing, literally missing.

And Beam got agitated.

Forth didn't accept any of his phone call and messages.

It didn't even get through.

Lam is a dead end. He's not answering too. No one knows where they went. Everyone keeps asking him about the two engineering key person whereabouts through Phana and Kit.

He can feel the emptiness devouring him from day one of Forth's absence. He even cried on the third and fourth days because bad thought keeps coming to him. Beam is on the verge of losing his mind from missing his best friend.

The what-if is slowly killing him inside not knowing where and how Forth's is doing right now.

Suddenly the sound of his designated ringtone for Forth echoes inside his room startling him. Beam immediately answered the call he's been waiting for the past days nervously, afraid that it's not Forth on the other side.

"Beam..." Forth said after Beam picked up his call.

The heavy lump he felt on his chest days ago suddenly disappeared hearing Forth voice on his phone and his tears are welling up in his eyes.

"Forthhh..." Beam voice cracked uttering his name.

"Hey...sorry for the MIA. Family issues. I'm at home." Forth knows Beam is crying.

"You are okay, right? You're not injured anywhere?"

"I'm good. Did you take your meal?"

"Really? You went missing for days and that's the first question you asked me? I'm the one who should be asking Forth." Beam stated annoyingly.

"I'm not the one who always forget eating. Take your meals. Don't skip any."


"You didn't, did you?"

"I-I ate dinner."

"What's your dinner?"


Forth can be heard sighing on the other side hearing Beam vague answer.

"Don't worry about me. I swear I won't skip any. I'll call for delivery."

"Don't. Ming is on his way. He's on his way to Kit."

"Forthhh...Kit will rants unending."

"Then eat your meal. In time. I'm not there if your gastric attacked again."

"I know. I know. I will eat..."

Silence engulfed their conversation.

"I miss you. When will you be back?" Beam asked lying on his bed staring at his white ceiling. He can sense that the emptiness in him during the time of Forth's absence slowly fade away.



"Next week. I'll be there next week."

"Is it bad? Your family issues? Don't be stressful alright. Want me to accompany you?"



"Can you?... Accompany me?"

"Why not?...Friday, Saturday, Sunday is our time together. I have no pending assignments. Ughh!! This weekend is gonna be boring as hell without you here."

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