愛する| 0.1

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You opened you're eyes to be inside of a classroom, Confused you sat your head up scanning the classroom full of students. Its almost like you've seen the classroom before but you can't put you're finger on specifically where you know the area from. You rubbed your eyes to make sure you didn't just wake up in a dream. You pinched yourself just making sure you wasn't hallucinating. But you weren't dreaming and or hallucinating. You scan the classroom even more as you heard the bell ring as you did flinch from the unexpected sound. You saw student's getting up from there seats before leaving the classroom as you followed.

"Hey Y/n-Chan~"

You heard someone say as you flashed your head to that person as you almost glared at them, but you're face soften as you noticed it was 'Takemichi'?!. You're face wen't right to a confusing look as you rubbed you're eyes again making sure you saw that right. It was Takemichi, you didn't wan't to see weird so you went along with it.

" O-oh hey Takemichi!"

Takemichi's also had a confused look on his face from the way you acted but he brushed it off.

"Wanna walk to class together he asked with a closed eyed smile"

You paused before saying a plan "Sure". 

Takemichi and you walked to class, as you did get a few glances at him, His mohog that you hated for dear life. You and Takemichi mad it to class as you sat in a empty seat referring that it was your seat since no one else was sitting in it.

( Hour's later)

You rubbed your eyes once more as you fell asleep in the class as you didn't even understand what they were talking about. You sat up as you walked around the school trying to find your way out.  You found yourself walking past the boys bathroom as you heard Takemichi's voice. You stopped right in your tracks as you listen onto his conversation.

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