病気| 14

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The next morning you where out looking at different type of sweets. You had to admit you had small sweet tooth before you could reach for the strawberry shortcake you heard someone call your name.

"Hey Y/n!" 

You heard the high voice you turned your head to see Takemichi but he had all black hair and his hair wasn't ugly. But he seemed to be with another women it was Hina!. She had a nice yellow dress on with matching flat shoes on. Her pink short hair moving around as she looked at you with a heart warming smile.

"Hi Y/n! Takemichi told me about you its so nice to see you!" 

She said holding her hand out for you to shake. Your hand was shaking a bit but it was only because you where surprised to see her. She giggled a bit before the both of you let her hand go. She walked off to also look at the sweets.

"Ya Know Y/n we can always bake sweets together"

She offered with a smile.

( Aint no way Takemichi bagged this girl...) You thought before smiling nodding.

"Well I-I can bake I'm just a bit lazy"

You didn't even know what you studdered before calming yourself down and standing up strait before looking at Takemichi as he seemed to be dazed about something before smiling and waving at the both of you.

Hinas phone started to buzz as she looked at her phone as it seemed to be a message from someone. 

"Ah I'm sorry guys Emma wants me to help her with something!" 

Hina said as she waved you a goodbye before giving Takemichi a peak on the lips before walking farther away. He watched her walk away before walking closer to you.

"So how are you Y/n?"

He asked looking a you softly.

"I'm fine.. But have you heard of how Mikeys missing?"


"Yeah I have I've been trying to look for him but theres nothing to even trace of where he went"

You nodded before picking up some cake mix as Hina gave you an idea to make your own cake. The ones you buy anyways never have enough sugar in it for your liking. 

" Well See ya later Michi"

You spoke before walking to the dairy isle picking up a 12 pack of eggs along with a small container of milk.

"Hey do you think we could maybe um hang out?"

He said still following you but with his head down as he seemed to be nervous about asking that.

"Um..Sure but my house because this milk will spoil"

He only quickly nodded before the both of you went to the self-checkout isle. As you finish scanning the items and placing them in a bag. Before you could put your card in the paying area, Takemichi pulled out a black card swiping it as the food was paid for.

"What the hell ..."

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