OS | The Nightmare

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originally written and posted on December 11th, 2011 on India-Forums;

He was squirming and muttering something. His voice seemed broken and full of pain. She woke up, sitting beside him, and tried to shake him.

There it was. Her coffin lying in front of them, with the white sheet lying across her lifeless body. He came and sat just beside her with his gaze fixed on her emotionless face. Her lips were dry, not pink and soft like they used to be.

Her face was white as if somebody drained all the blood from it. Her hands lying lifelessly beside her and her eyes shut as if she was sleeping. In a way, she looked as she was peaceful but there wasn't any happiness around her. His brown eyes, usually cold, emotionless, and ruthless were blank now. He traced his fingers along her cheekbones. He reached to her hand and held it his palm lifting it to his'.

He knew that she had reached this point just because of him. If only he hadn't left her there if he had taken her word for it if only he had listened to his heart and haven't rushed into things, if only he had consulted someone about this.

Sitting beside her and her hand in his hand, he remembered everything that had happened that night, that bastard had tried to get close to her and he had lost all the control over himself. The police arrived on time and the bullet just went right through her heart. He was never capable of keeping her happy. Even between those light moments, he always subjected her to cruelty. But she had always worn that smile on her face never letting anybody else know what she was going through.

Every single moment with her went through his mind causing him to shudder. Her hand fell from his hand. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Somebody came from his behind then and took her away from him. He tried to yell, scream and protest but nothing came out.

He sat up abruptly with her looking anxiously towards him.

"Bad-dream?", she still looked worried and her eyes were asking for an explanation. Even the thought of separation had exasperated him and this, what he had just seen and scared him to death. H just pulled her into a hug, telling her in his husky voice, never leave me.

She pulled herself away, tilted her head, and with a mischievous smile said, "Whatever made you say that? You are the only one to cope with my randomness." With that, they both went back to sleep with her keeping her head on his chest and he sighed a sigh of relief, vowing to himself never to let anything come between them.

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