OS | Lost Hope

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originally written and posted on March 27th, 2012 on India-Forums;

Her flawless skin reflected the glow on the glass between them from the moonlight. Her rosy lips. Her angelic dove eyes closed, her breathing was heavy reminding him constantly of the day they both were out of their minds when the heart had taken over them once again like a fateful night before between the hope of lights. Her body laid there lifeless. 

The room was dark, illuminating the light within her. Disrupting the silence were the beeps of machines attached to her limbs, heart, and brain. The same brain which of once he taunted her of not putting to use & which came up with such unusual antics that first annoyed him and then amused him. 

The same heart, which he once told doesn't feel any difference when their ways collide & which he once mistrusted to belong to someone else.

It was almost midnight and for the last four hours, his face was pressed against the glass window separating her room and the corridors where he was standing. His rough exterior of a ruthless, cold, cruel, and stoned-hearted person had dissolved in the air. 

There weren't any tears in his eyes, neither were they bloodshot red like when he had thought he had lost her love but they had strange hollowness floating in them. His lips quivered as one of his hands traveled towards where he imagined his heart was and held it tightly as if to squeeze the pain out or just to lock it inside. 'Let it out a voice from the back of his head echoed. He brushed off the voice just to find her breathing get steady. Hope lit across his face; his trembling lips sagged causing a slow smile to form. 

He immediately turned around to inform the nurse passing nearby. A few minutes later, the doctors rushed inside. His face once again reformed to blankness, his eyes darkened and his lips firmly pressed over each other. He knew it; all his efforts to protect her had finally gone in vain.


Her mind felt fizzy and puffed. The thoughts swirled in her mind, causing her illusion to feel real. Sequences began to form inside her causing her to re-live the moments.

The one night, that had changed the lives of many, now dear to her; when she had fallen in his arms. There was an unusual feeling of security and promise in it. There second encounter, when she herself was the key to his life. The key that she later returned when they both thought, they didn't belong with each other. There were many encounters followed by the first two. 

There was an unusual resentment and hatred for each other they shared, the intensity of those emotions so strong that she wasn't able to comprehend them at that point. It was the hatred of loving each other. A love so deep, that it got tangled in itself. Then there was the fateful night of lights, where the heartbeats had raced, taking over their bodies and minds. 

The intimacy and intensity flowed between them. That was the first time; his words had pierced his heart through. It was followed by the challenges of claiming the facts of their relationship hidden from them. He had thought that she was belonging to somebody else, but little did he know. His assumptions had always been wrong unless they involved logical calculations. The dance provoked her feelings further. The increasing rate of heartbeat in his company and only he had understood the meaning of it, she could tell it from his eyes. Then the fateful night that had brought the hatred back. Mistrust. The word echoed inside her mind.

She squirmed as her breathing once again got heavy. "Check the pulse rate!" An order merely touched her ears. Her body arched to grasp some air as she felt him around her. She felt a sharp pointy needle inserted inside her, letting her fall clumsily, her thoughts once again making their back. Mistrust. He had misunderstood her and bonded her to him for the next few months. 'How could you think that I could stoop so low? I thought you knew me.' That was what she had said. 

There were nights they had spent in isolation from each other but the strings tying them together had brought them unusually closer and since then, passion had replaced the hatred. It had become hard for her to have him farther from her for more than two hours then and the result ended triplets. It had caused havoc in their lives, two girls and a boy. Life was pleasant then but the danger had always been lurking behind her shadows, and he was always there to protect her and his angels.

Her breath got steady. Numbness had taken over her body. She felt being hollowed. She struggled to open her eyes. The need to be in his arms increased with every passing second. The darkness in the room had registered inside her; her fists took life and clutched the sheets as she desperately struggled to grasp a tiny molecule of air inside her. She felt herself tearing mercilessly and then, then it got peaceful.


He almost broke into the room watching her life getting snatched from her. His eyes widened with shock, he was almost on the verge of tears. The thunder bolted outside, with rain pondering mercilessly. He was hollowed once again as he saw the blood draining out of her, the ventilator shutting off, and the wires attached to her pulled off and the darkness of the room enveloping her body. She looked peaceful and content.

The doctors stepped outside into the darkened corridors with only a flickering light, leaving her inside in the dark. 'She's afraid of the dark.' He mumbled to himself. The turmoil inside him, which he had got ridden four years ago, was now building up again. "We are sorry. We tried everything but..." 

He had just nodded and moved towards the chair helplessly. His eyes darkened, the hollowness evident in them. The love he had gotten in the last five years was lost once again. The Storm heaved outside with him sitting in the darkness. 

The light had lost its way again. 'Dead' He uttered, making his way in the darkness towards her.


He had held her in his arms yet the warmth radiating from her body was replaced by terrible coldness. He had whispered her names, made several promises but she refused to budge but even after it, he couldn't let himself accept the fact.

He had entered the house and was crashed by three three-year-olds. Tears had stained their faces. "Daddy!" they cried in unison. He led the three of them towards the living room. Two of them were girls. They both were exactly like her, except one possessed his behavior like her brother who was the small look-alike version of him. The three huddled in him; he pressed them to his chest as the tears brimming in his eyes. The storm outside was still at its peak.

Fate and destiny are never planned in inconsistency with our wishes. She was gone, leaving them all behind, forever.

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