love to hate you

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‧₊ ❁ཻུ۪۪.;:୭̥. PRINCESS.┊16. 🖇💌 ꒱

 🖇💌 ꒱

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calming music played out softly through a few speakers installed throughout the room, playing a kind melody that somewhat soothed your nerves

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calming music played out softly through a few speakers installed throughout the room, playing a kind melody that somewhat soothed your nerves. you smiled down at your lap, thinking about your lover whose arrival you still awaited.

you had shown up to the cat cafe rather early - and not even on purpose. after saying goodbye to reki you had rushed home, changing into something you hoped miya would like.

and you knew exactly what: his hoodie, of course.

and then after that, you were gone, completely forgetting that you weren't meant to be there for quite a while after.

so now you were sat, twenty minutes early, a cup of [drink] on the table in front of you, and a cat swirling around your feet.

noticing the new presence, you leaned down and scooped the kitten into your arms, using one hand to stroke the fur of its head. its fur was pure white, reminding you slightly of an angel. it purred at you, its mouth pulled into something similar to a content smile.

caught up with the charming creature, the ding of a bell from the front door went unnoticed by you. miya stood in the doorway, skateboard in hand, staring fondly at the interaction between you and the animal. he took a long breath before approaching you, trying not to seem nervous.

"y/n," he smiled.

your head immediately whipped towards him, as did the cats as both of you jumped. then, you grinned.

"miya!" you quickly stood up and hugged him, placing down the cat where you once sat and hoping it stayed there.

your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, holding him tightly as he locked his arms around your waist. not once did either of your expressions flicker as you held each other, grateful to finally be able to hug each other without regretting not expressing your true feelings.

you let go of him and he did the same, and you picked up your little friend once more, who you understood was a girl.

"and you said they all hated me," you said cockily, running your hand over the feline's head.

"well, maybe not all of them," he shrugged as you both sat down, excited to be in each other's company.

immediately, cats were swooning over to him left right and center - one was perched on his shoulder, another two across his lap and various others sat around his feet.

"okay what the fuck," you scowled, "you know what, I'm not even surprised."

miya laughed, petting the two on his lap. "what can i say? they love me."

"okay flex fuck off," you sneered, leaning back in your chair with your legs crossed. hugging the white cat closer to your chest, you stuck out your chin. "i have all i need right here anyways."

"and what about me?" miya asked, a smirk on his face. "yeah, what about you?" you mocked.

"ah, i'm wounded," he said, clutching his chest. "oh no! i'm ever so sorry. please forgive me," you said monotonously, sarcasm dripping from your voice. "you're a horrible person," he said with a laugh.

"you think this is horrible?" you asked in disbelief, "you should see me and reki on game night. satan is prowling."

"i can imagine," the boy shuddered, grimacing.

"last night he had the sheer audacity to try to go to sleep during our marvel marathon," you told him spitefully.

"what the hell," miya said, mouth gaping. "fake."

"i know right?!" you agreed. "so anyway, he sleeps with his mouth open, right?"

"yeah?" miya nodded, following along with the story. "yeah well, i put toothpaste on his tongue," you said.


"this is true, i only know how to girlboss. it's in my nature, unlike failure as that world is not even in my vocabulary."

"wow," miya nodded, impressed. "i know," you sighed, putting your hands behind your head. "i'm so powerful."

miya laughed, before glancing at the menu. "wanna order something?" he asked, glancing up at you.

"uhh," you pondered for a moment. "nah, i'm not really hungry. but i could use a refill," you said, looking towards the empty cup on your table.

"now that you say that, i'm kinda thirsty too. I'll get a drink," he told you, "as long as you don't spill it on me again."

your gaze snapped over to him, moth immediately opening to process. "that was literally re-"

"alright, geez," he interrupted, putting his hands up in surrender, "so defensive."

"i hate you," you whined, sinking into your chair.

"love you too."


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