teenage dirtbag

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the sound of speakers blasting music filled your ears, accompanied by the screeching of people as they sung along, some better than others, to an infamous song; teenage dirtbag by wheatus

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the sound of speakers blasting music filled your ears, accompanied by the screeching of people as they sung along, some better than others, to an infamous song; teenage dirtbag by wheatus.

you had heard the song many times before, and had no issue in singing along to the lyrics. reki, langa and joe were dancing with you, screaming the lyrics equally as loud.

miya and cherry had gone off to get drinks.

you assumed they would be back soon, but were also trying to appreciate the time away from miya.

not in a bad way, of course.

the pressure of trying to dance around your crush without looking like a total loser sometimes makes it just that little harder to breathe.

your chest would tighten every time he laughed, or gave a sarcastic comment, or said something cute, or rolled his eyes at reki, or did literally fucking anything because at this point you were in love with him.


in love?

yes. there was absolutely no doubt about it.

you were completely, wholeheartedly, desperately in love with miya chinen.

what the actual fuck.

"hey, sis," reki gently nudged your side, grabbing your attention.

he gestured to your left with his head, pointing towards miya. he was stood with two drinks in hand, one presumably for you.

he was right there.

within arms reach.

right in front of you.

"oh," your realized, taking the drink from his hand with an appreciative smile.

'oh?? fucking oh?? shit, that's so embarrassing.' you cursed in your head, which you currently wanted to smack against the nearest brick wall.

"can't believe i missed out on the first part of this song," miya groaned, "it's literally one of my favorites."

you turned to him in surprise, having to raise your voice over the loud music, "really? me too!"

he had to take a double take when she spoke.

"really, me too!"

her voice replayed in his head.

weird, for a second, he thought her words reminded him of-

"her boyfriends a dick!" you yelled along to the lyrics, a beaming smile across your face. miya shook his head, deciding not to ponder on the topic anymore.


it's impossible.

"he brings a gun to school, and he'd simply kick..." there was a pause in the song, and you used the beat to tilt your head along to it. miya copied you, now singing along. "my ass if he knew the truth!"

you danced along with him, giggling out the lyrics at some points and somehow managing to go closer and closer with every verse.

"i got two tickets to iron maiden baby," miya stopped singing at this point and it was just you, acting out the whiny, high-pitched voice of the woman, "come with me friday, don't say maybe," you leaned closer to him, not even realizing what you were doing due to the adrenaline running through your veins.

"i'm just a teenage dirtbag baby, like you."

suddenly, the feeling of something bumping your upper back sent you forward, causing you to trip over your own feet and you gasped, closing your eyes.

great. now i'm gonna faceplant.

anytime now.

you awaited the rush of pain but it never came, instead becoming aware of the arm wrapped around your torso.

"oi, watch where you're going! stupid slime," miya cursed at the hooded figure, who rushed past behind you. are you okay?" he asked in a concerned tone, helping you to your feet.

you were speechless for a few seconds, but didn't allow you time to process what had just happened and stood up immediately, dusting yourself off. "yeah i'm fine," you laughed sheepishly, "are you?"

miya laughed, "i'm okay... uh," he glanced down, before looking back up at you with a guilty expression. "my shirt isn't though."

you winced at the new [color of drink] stain forming on his white undershirt, panic growing inside of your chest. "ah! i'm so sorry, i should've been more careful-"

the boy let out another laugh, shaking his head, "shh, it's fine," he reassured, "i don't even know why i'm wearing this stupid outfit anyways."

his voice was muffled by the music towards the end of his sentence, but the visible disappointment on his face told you everything you needed to know.

you walked in the direction of the bathrooms, looking behind you when you didn't hear his footsteps follow in your direction.

"you coming?"

"huh?" miya's eyes flickered up to you, curiosity written all over his features. "for what?"

"to clean your shirt off, dumbass," you deadpanned, a teasing smile on your lips as you spoke.

"oh, right," the boy smiled, "let's go."

nah cuz if i see any of ya'll making dirty and suggestive comments about miya on purpose i'm deleting the whole book 😕‼️

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nah cuz if i see any of ya'll making dirty and suggestive comments about miya on purpose i'm deleting the whole book 😕‼️

anyways have a good day <33

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒, miya chinenWhere stories live. Discover now