all i ever wanted

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‧₊ ❁ཻུ۪۪.;:୭̥. PRINCESS.┊17. 🖇💌 ꒱

 🖇💌 ꒱

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"nice hoodie, by the way," miya said from beside you

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"nice hoodie, by the way," miya said from beside you. hand intertwined with yours as you waked beside each other at a steady paste.

"huh?" you said, looking down at your sweater, suddenly remembering that it was his. "oh," you laughed. "yeah. i like it too."

miya smiled, "you should, it was my favorite," he told you.

"awh, shame," you fake pouted, "too bad it's mine."

"yeah, too bad." he laughed, stroking his thumb over your hand.

you sighed, looking over at him with a relieved expression. "god, how did we end up like this?"

"i don't know, but I'm glad we did," miya told you truthfully. "a day didn't go by where i didn't look at you and think about how amazing you were."

you blushed, nudging him in the side. "oh, shut up you sap!"

you tried your best to hide your face whilst he laughed, finding your distress amusing. "you're so fun to embarrass, princess."

exasperated, you placed a hand on your head. "can you actually stop before i blow up."

"never," he smirked, "i'm your problem now."

you both laughed for a moment, feeling the sunset burn into your figures from over the buildings.

when you looked at him, it was like you were taking in his features for the very first time. how his eyes glistened beautifully under the sun's rays, how his hair fell neatly over his forehead, only a few delinquent strands in front of his eyes. his hands were so gentle and caring, and he held your hand with such delicacy as if it would break if he let go.

without thinking, you kissed him. it was only quick, but in that moment you felt him lean into you, returning it. you stared at each other with flushed cheeks, feeling nothing but ease.

"i know it's only been a day," you said, "but please," you pressed your head onto his chest, looking down at both of your shoes. "don't leave me."

"how could i when you're all i ever wanted, princess?"

"how could i when you're all i ever wanted, princess?"

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𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒, miya chinenWhere stories live. Discover now