Chapter 1

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"Yesterday...wake him up."

Percy rolled on the bed he was on. 

Must be talking about someone else, he thought.

The voices got clearer the closer they came to him, but were still muffled. Not being able to fall back asleep, he opened his eyes and got greeted by a large unfamiliar bedroom. The drowsiness evaporated from his body and got replaced with confusion. He got up so fast he fell off the bed, provoking a groan from his body.

Where am I? Who am I?

The voices fell silent, but he then soon heard muffled footsteps coming his way. He stood up the same moment the door burst open. At the door, there were three unfamiliar figures, armed with swords on their hips, dressed importantly in suits.

"Perseus," The middle female said, relief apparent in her eyes. "I'm glad you're okay." They started coming closer to him.

Is that my name?

Percy looked at them in fear. "Who-who are you?"

The middle female's face had changed to one of concern. "You don't remember me?"

"No," Percy said.

"Well, that's good," The man on her left muttered to her. She paid no heed to him.

Was I supposed to hear that?

Percy immediately got suspicious of their intentions.

"I'm Rebecca, the commander of Platoon A, the best one here," She stated proudly. "This is Juan, on my left, who is the commander of Squadron B, and to my right is William, who is the commander of Squadron C."

"Who am I?" Percy asked. 

"You're Percy," Juan answered after just a second too long. "You got injured in the last battle."

Before Percy could ask any more questions, Rebecca cut in, "Save your questions for Lady End. Follow us." With that, she turned around and walked out of the room with the other two in tow. 

Percy hesitated; he didn't know whether to believe them or not. They almost convinced him, but there were three things that made him doubt their truthfulness: 

1) If he was injured, why couldn't he feel stiffness or pain, and why was his memory erased?

2) Some of their emotions felt too . . . perfect, as if they were rehearsed repeatedly.

3) His instincts screamed to not trust them.

With all of those hints, Percy decided that he would play along, but not trust them. His hand strayed to his empty pocket, as if it was an instinct. He then calmed himself down, taking a few deep breaths, and hurried to catch up with them.


"Why are they all staring at me?" Percy muttered, hiding behind the three who were spread out in front of him. 

Indeed, they had arrived to a busy hallway—A very important hallway it seemed so, since there were many expensive vases full of colorful flowers—the people who were bustling about unabashedly staring at Percy. What made it even more unnerving was that everybody had a weapon, and some of them were gripping the hilts of their swords tightly, as if they wanted to unsheathe it.

"It's been a long time since they've seen you," Rebecca assured him. "They won't do anything, they're just amazed."

Percy gulped, not feeling reassured, since some had anger in their stares.

"Right," He replied. "Remind me again, how long has it been since I was injured?"

She laughed, a bit too merrily. "It's been a long time."

So I'm "Very important", but she doesn't know how long it has been since I was injured? Something not right here.

Percy still didn't know how he lost his memory, but he was leaning to the side of kidnapping and brainwashing, not of a dire injury.

"We're almost there!" Rebecca announced, drawing Percy out of his thoughts. "It's the second door from us to the right."

Percy's jaw dropped open in reverence. "Door" didn't give justice to the grand opening. It could easily let a herd of elephants through it. While they were stacked in three-elephant-high towers. It was humongous.

Suddenly, another question appeared in his mind: Why did he only forget details that were unique to him—such as his name, occupancy, and age? He still knew how to talk, how to walk—heck, he could probably even write!

How could amnesia be this specific? It was like somebody had erased his mind—only the important details had been erased, making him a blank slate, but had kept some information for ease of labor. 

Somebody had wanted to forget his past life.

But Percy wouldn't give in so easily. He planned to figure out who he was, but still play along. After all, he could be an enemy of all of these people. 

That's why people were glaring at me!

But first, he had to talk to Lady End.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Rebecca asked.

"Breathtaking," He said. He looked around in amazement—not fake amazement, mind you—trying to memorize every tiny bit of the humongous space in case something went wrong. There was only one passageway out of the room, which was the gigantic entryway, and there was plenty of furniture: chairs, throw rugs, and tables, either too bulky or light to use as a weapon. It was an informal throne room. There weren't many people inside, but those who were looked very important, just like Rebecca.

There was another beautiful being, who was looking around with pride, sitting on her beautiful, golden throne. She had a very, very powerful aura, but felt . . . evil. She had long brown hair, a slim body, and green eyes, while wearing a long dressing gown.

That must be Lady End.

Juan and William had melted off into the crowd, chatting amicably with several people. Only Rebecca remained, guiding him towards the throne. End's eyes locked with his as they came closer, and she smiled. Silence fell around the room as they encroached closer and closer, closer still, until Percy was almost touching the dais.

Rebecca immediately knelt on the ground, while Percy just stood standing up. She paid no heed to Rebecca and gracefully stood up and came closer to Percy, who felt as if his legs had turned into soggy noddles, all thanks to her aura.

"Hello, Perseus, how are you?"

He told her, "I would be better if I knew who I am."

She laughed, throwing her head back. Suddenly, she pulled him into a hug, burying her head into the crook of his neck.

His hair stood up on end and a feeling of unease crawled up his spine, just like a spider, only much, much more noticeable. If he could have, he would've pulled away, but her aura had captured him, grasping him tightly, not letting him get away. It felt so . . . wrong.

She took a deep breath of his scent. "Why, Perseus, you are the commander of my army."

A/N-That ends the first chapter of the sequel to The Proposal of Chaos. If you liked it, please star this chapter and have a good day.

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