Chapter 16

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"The inn is all yours for a month," The man said, picking up the bags of drachmae from the table. "Pleasure doing business with you."

Artemis nodded at him, obviously not pleased at all. "What about the people?"

Negotiations had gone well. At least, for the innkeeper. When Artemis had told him she wanted to rent the whole in, the man thought it was for a few days, and asked for five-hundred drachmae.

But when Artemis had told him she wanted to rent it for a month, the price shot up to two-point-five million. It was obvious he was asking for way too much, and Artemis didn't want to give the sly man more than a few extra drachmae. 

And so, the bargaining started, Percy watching in awe as Artemis and the innkeeper flawlessly bartered, not skipping a beat.

Eventually, the price was agreed: one-point-two-five million. No chefs, and no waiters, which was completely fine. Every guest would be given a thousand each for their troubles, which would be distributed by the bouncers. One-point-two-five million was a gigantic amount, and yet, the man did not even blink an eye when she summoned bags with two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand drachmae behind her back, obviously too much to carry for one person. 

At least, he did not blink an eye on the outside. For all Percy knew, the innkeeper could have been blinking like crazy on the inside.

"All will be cleared out in ten minutes," The innkeeper said, bowing. It was probably supposed to be charming, but Percy thought he was laying it on a bit thick. "Meanwhile, do you and your friend want breakfast? It's on the house."

It was obvious to all of them that their money covered it.

Artemis gave Percy a look which questioned whether or not he wanted to eat, or sleep. Percy nodded so hard, he was half afraid his head would fall off. 

"We'll take the breakfast," Artemis answered.

"Perfect!" The innkeeper said. He got up and opened the door. "Just ask the servers anything you want. Meanwhile, I'll inform the bouncers of our . . . changed policy."

"Perfect," Artemis said, following him out, Percy right behind her. They then split paths with the innkeeper, walking to the outside portion of the table, while the man entered the kitchen, which presumably led to all the staff quarters. 

That, or he was getting a quick bite to eat.

The same waitress from last time approached them. "Markos has updated me of the situation," The waitress said, obviously referring to the innkeeper. "What would you like to eat and drink?"

"For me, I am fine with a glass of water," Artemis said. While Artemis was talking with the innkeeper, she had used a tone that a normal person would use on the person who had just blown up their house, and on top of that, stole their car. With the waiter, she used a much more conversational tone, like she was talking to an acquaintance. "As for him . . . ," Artemis glanced at Percy.

"I'll take two stews and a water as well," Percy said. The extra stew wasn't for him; even in his state of hunger, he could probably barely finish one. Instead, the second one was for Artemis; from experience, he knew Artemis liked to steal his food, but he didn't know why.

Maybe it's kind of like 'the grass is greener on the other side,' He thought. Except with food and a hungry Percy. Not a good combination.

"I'll be right out with your food in ten minutes," The waitress said. "Where will you sit?"

Artemis pointed to a table with two chairs that was close to a window. The waitress nodded and went into the kitchen.

Smart, Percy thought. If our plan gets out of hand, we can just jump through the window.

Although, Percy knew she didn't choose that place for its impromptu exit; it was just the closest two-seater table to the serving area.

All of a sudden, twenty bouncers came out of the kitchen. Five of them started rounding up the people on the main floor, eating, and the rest went up the stairs, waking up the people in their rooms.

Downstairs, there was quite a ruckus; people obviously didn't like getting kicked out, but when the money came out, they happily kept quiet.

The innkeeper didn't take this lightly, Percy thought. Just how much extra did we pay him?

Five minutes later, the bouncers had efficiently kicked out the people on the main floor. (They had been allowed to get their luggage; the incentive had worked well into their obedience.)

Another five minutes later, people came down from the living quarters. There were more than a hundred, and all of them had been sleeping: some people had hair sicking out in every direction; some had their eyes almost closed; some had been clasping their hands over their head, an obvious sign of a hangover, and one poor soul tripped over his own feet.

In just twelve minutes, everybody was gone; Percy was shocked at the efficiency of the bouncers. 

In four more minutes, the innkeeper had come to their table, lugging two full suitcases, both probably filled with their money—now his.

"Here's the key to the inn," The innkeeper said, putting down a brass key onto the table. "I will come back in one month's time, and thank you for your business." He then exited out of the inn like all the other people, but had a happy little skip in his trot, like he couldn't wait to get home and buy another inn.

In two more minutes, their food had come, and all the staff had vacated the area, hauling bags full of clothes back home. (They wouldn't have to worry about money, since they would be payed full time; or at least, that was in the deal.)

"See?" Artemis said, smiling at Percy. As Percy thought, she took the extra bowl he ordered, and started eating. "It was cakewalk."

There was a pause before Percy responded, since he was busy tucking in the delicious stew. "If you consider making someone a millionaire 'cakewalk,' then yes, it was."

"Certainly." While Percy was eating as though it was his last meal before he died, Artemis was eating as well-mannered as a chef. "I hope you enjoy this meal."

It sounded ominously like something a murderer would say. "Why?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Artemis asked. "We're going to fight."

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