Chapter 3

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"I can't believe I can see every night after so long," The man muttered, caressing Percy's cheek.

It had been several weeks, and every night, to Percy's joy, he was sent to meet the mysterious man. Being near the man just made Percy relax, and he knew it as a fact his old self had loved him. His new one, too. Percy suspected it was Chaos.

Therefore, Percy impatiently waited every day, earnestly waiting to go to sleep. He had figured out he couldn't talk to Chaos, but it was no matter. 

Just like everyday, he tried to push his thoughts to the man, trying to ask him the nagging question in his mind. Same as before, it didn't work, although unlike the times before, something shocking happened.

"Who am I?" The question slipped out of Percy's mouth. It took him a moment to figure that he had said it when Chaos had confusion written all over his face.

Chaos asked, "What do you mean 'who am I'?" 

"I don't know who I am," Percy said, nervously. "But I know that the 'old' me was in love with you."

Chaos' face had turned to one of panic when Percy had said the first part, but then smiled at Percy just like a normal adult had been told they had won the lottery. 

That wasn't meant to slip out, Percy thought. He could feel the heat of the blush coming off his skin, still not used to the very handsome man staring at him like he was the most precious thing in the universe.

"You don't know anything about yourself?" Chaos asked. "Even your name?"

"I only know my name," Percy affirmed. "Or maybe they gave me a fake one . . . anyways, it's Percy."

Chaos nodded. "That is your name, and for your backstory . . ." Chaos said, starting to explain his old self. Percy earnestly listened.

" . . . and the next day, I couldn't find you," Chaos finished sadly. 

Percy was shocked; it was unbelievable how much he had done. Not for a moment he doubted what Chaos had said; it was all said with the utmost of sincerity and truthfulness.

Chaos suddenly held onto his shoulders. "Now that you can finally speak, please tell me where you are," Chaos said, desperation lacing every word.

"I've figured out that . . . " Percy got interrupted when Chaos flickered momentarily out of existence.

"You're waking up!" Chaos exclaimed. "Tell me quickly!"

"I'm . . . " Before Percy could finish his sentence he was brought back to reality. He growled in frustration and sat up on his bed. 

What he wasn't expecting was that Rebecca and End were standing on either side of his bed; he yelped in shock and immediately jumped off the bed.

End's face briefly flickered to one of panic, but then stayed at surprise—which Percy was betting was fake.

"What are you guys doing here?" Percy asked.

Rebecca hesitated and looked to End, but she was just staring at Percy. 

"You weren't waking up," Rebecca said.

"What time is it?" Percy asked.

"It's six hours after sunrise," End said simply.

"Six hours!?" Percy exclaimed. His talk with Chaos dragged on way too long.

"Yes," Rebecca confirmed.

End looked at him with suspicion. "We tried to wake you up by shaking you, but you simply didn't," End said. "Did somebody contact you during your dreams?"

End's stare bored holes into Percy's skull. He tried not to give anything away by fidgeting.

"No," Percy said casually. "I don't know what happened."

"You didn't see a plane of darkness?" End's question hit the exact subject Percy didn't want to answer.

Percy stared at her with fake confusion, but he was secretly panicking inside. 

"I don't remember what I dream of," He lied. "I don't think I was there."

A suitable explanation, but End wasn't convinced. She stared at him, giving him a Tell me the truth or you will be punished look. She squinted at him, as if that would bring together the details. Percy gulped inaudibly.

"Breakfast is in ten minutes," She said, seeming to let go of her suspicions. End walked out, with Rebecca on her tail. After the door closed, he waited ten minutes before letting out his tension with a sigh of relief.

That was close, he thought. Too close.

Percy decided on getting a cover story for his dreams. Maybe a very heavy sleeper? No, that wouldn't work, because he was a warrior, and End knew that too. Plus, her failed campaign of him being her commander didn't help things either. 

The excuse would have to be detailed, but not too detailed, and something he could easily prove. He decided on his first step:

A hot meal.


Breakfast was over quickly, which was surprising, since there were over thousands of people to be fed.

Moreover, the huge room wasn't filled with boisterous conversation. Instead, it was deathly quiet—something Percy had presumed that was caused by his suspicious activities. Plus, End was sneaking glances at him, as if he would show some kind of emotion that would give him away, or maybe just to make sure he was there.

With breakfast over, he decided to go outside to get a breath of air, and perhaps get an idea of his location. 

It took a bunch of wandering around, but finally he found a door that led to a gigantic balcony. He opened it with bated breath and saw . . .

 . . . a city.

It wasn't even a special one. Even though his memory was gone, it looked exactly how he imagined a city to be; drab, grey walls, and tall buildings. 

Nothing special.

Percy sighed in frustration and leaned on the railing. It was beautiful, he had to admit. 

Suddenly, another person appeared next to him. "Isn't it a beautiful day?" A woman's voice asked.

Percy turned to see a beautiful woman who was about his age, with high cheekbones. Like Chaos, he felt like he had met her before.

"Yes it is, but I didn't come out here for that," Percy replied.

"What did you come out for, then?"

"To see where I am." The words just slipped out of Percy's mouth. He had not meant to say it, but his mind decided otherwise; he felt like he could trust her.

The said woman looked at him with curiosity. She furtively looked around, and confirmed there was nobody lurking in the corners. She leaned closer to him. "Is your memory also wiped?" She asked in a hushed whisper.

Percy nodded, shocked. "Is yours?"

She nodded. "I don't remember anything except my name."

"What is it?" Percy asked. "My name is Percy."

Her silver eyes locked with his. "Artemis."

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