Chapter 22 (End)

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The revelation would have stunned a normal person to silence. After all, a person telling you they can get all of your memories back after all this time would be a stretch. Since Percy was talking to the Creator of the Universe, anything was possible. (Yes, even pink unicorns, but Percy wasn't going to ask for that.) 

But, as mentioned previously, Percy wasn't a normal person. And so, he wasn't stunned to silence. First, he was relieved, but in two seconds, it switched to impatience. He switched emotions faster than a bipolar person.

"How?" Percy asked eagerly. "Tell me!"In his haste, he probably sounded like a five-year-old after being told they would be part of a scavenger hunt.

Even Chaos picked up on this. He started laughing again. This time, Percy rolled his eyes and kicked Chaos in the shin. 

Percy had gotten much more familiar with Chaos with their unpredictable meetings. Therefore, he had no problem injuring a deity that could make him disappear faster than Percy could eat a bowl of stew. 

Plus, Thought a tiny part of Percy's brain that he failed to control. Chaos needs someone to wrangle him in. Who could be better at the task than the person who loves him with their life—

Percy stopped the thought before it could go any further, receiving his daily dose of self-embarrassment.

Chaos stopped laughing and howled in pain. He cradled his shin and dramatically started hopping about like a frog.

Now, it was Percy's time to laugh. 

Chaos playfully scowled at him. "Not cool," Chaos complained. "I might just keep your memories away from you."

Even though Percy knew he was joking, he took it seriously. "Don't you dare," Percy threatened.

Chaos leaned in until his lips were almost touching Percy's. He could feel Chaos' cool breath on his face, making Percy shiver in delight. "Why shouldn't I?" Chaos asked in a whisper, teasing him. Percy looked away, flustered. But before he could move his head fully, Chaos held his chin, trapping him, forcing him to answer the question.

Unfortunately for Percy, though, there was one effective way to stop his brain from working: being close to Chaos. "Uh . . . er . . . um . . . ," Percy stammered, furiously trying to remember what Chaos had asked. "I don't know."

Chaos gently smiled, staring at him lovingly. If Percy's brain was mush before, it was now liquid. 

And if it had turned to liquid, it was now vapor.

All because Chaos kissed him.


"Now are you going to give me back my memories?" Percy asked. It had been five minutes; enough time to get Percy out of his flustered mood, and back to his impatient one.

Chaos leaned in again. This time, however, Percy reacted, scooting his chair backwards and leaping off of it faster than a man getting chased by a tiger. "Whoa!" Percy exclaimed, putting his hands in front of him like a miniature shield. "Nothing more. Tell me first."

Chaos smiled, his beautiful eyes glittering with amusement. "Do you trust me?"

"Right now?" Percy asked. "No." He would rather trust a clown to sharpen his sword than an excited Chaos. 

Chaos pouted. It was so endearing, that Percy almost let him come closer. "It's easier to show you."

"Fine," Percy groaned, relenting. He dropped his hands in defeat. "But you better not try anything funny . . ."

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