Chapter Two

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Last night, I fell asleep in the library and woke up at four a.m. I'd also forgotten my dorm key. I knocked on the door for ten minutes, let's just say I didn't get in; Caroline's a heavy sleeper. I had no choice but to sleep by the door. I had buried my face in my knees  and closed my eyes slowly. Willow Miller had woken me up. She had early classes.

"Maya, just come in my room when Caroline locks you out," she had offered.

"She didn't lock me out, I forgot my k-key, that's all."

"Well, she could've at least let you in," she'd replied.

"Caroline's a heavy sleeper."

"Whatever, Maya, I'm tired of seeing you sleeping anywhere that isn't your bed."

"Caroline's boyfriend was over so I couldn't stay in the room."

"Look, you gotta tell Caroline and her little boy toy that this is your room, too, and you can leave when you please and not when they feel like having sex.  If they wanna have sex so bad, tell them to book a motel or something. I'm just tired of seeing that girl walk all over you."

Our conversation ended when Willow let me get some sleep in her room. I woke up at eleven a.m. Tara, Willow's roommate was up as well, typing on her laptop. I'd greeted her and went to my room. Caroline should be up right now. I knocked on the door, Caroline let me in.

"I had to sleep in the hallway," I informed her.

"So? It's not my fault you're so forgetful," she replied as she sat down at her makeup mirror.

"You know, Caroline, sometimes you forget your key and I always let you in. It's just really frustrating that I have to leave whenever you and Caleb are feeling horny," I admitted.

"Whatever, if you had a boyfriend you'd tell me to leave, too."

"Maybe. But I'd be respectful about it."

"You think I'm such a bad roommate," she grumbled.

"Caroline, that's not the case at all," I said quickly.

"If I'm a bad roommate then you're a terrible one," she countered.

"Okay, feel however you want to feel. I'm not trying to fight with you."

"You complain about every little fucking thing. You're so ungrateful."

"I— I'm ungrateful?" Caroline and I had had arguments before, plenty of times m. She'd call me every name in the book, I'd stay calm, and, eventually, we'd make up. However, this time, I'm not taking her crap.

"My stuff is always moved around when I come back, you leave a mess, you don't clean your vanity, chip bags are left around everywhere because you don't know how to throw them out, and the room is starting to smell due to you leaving your musty clothes everywhere!" I snapped. "And then you have the audacity to act like I'm the problem and that I don't understand because I don't have a boyfriend."

Caroline had a shocked expression on her face and a defensive one. "You sound jealous right now."

"Jealous? Get over yourself," I told her and walked to the door.

"Go to hell," she said.

"Yeah, l'll meet you there." I slammed the door behind me.

I decided to ditch my classes, stay in my car and watch The Clique on Apple TV. Watching this again, the mean girls remind me of Amber, Caroline, and I back in middle school. Only I felt like Claire Lyons, desperately trying to fit in. I then watched a few episodes of H20: Just Add Water for nostalgic reasons. I went back to my room when I figured it was time for me to apologize to Caroline for snapping at her.

I was caught off guard by the dry erase board on the door that used to say Caroline & Maya's room. Now only Caroline's name was on it. I took the dry erase board, unlocked the door and walked in. Caroline was on top of Caleb, the two were on my bed.

"Caroline?" I said. "What's this all about?" I held up the dry erase board.

The couple sat up and looked at me, Caroline wiped the bottom of her lips with her index finger.

"I figured you'd move out since you have such a problem with me," she said.

"I— you know what, maybe I should move out," I agreed.

"Well, bye." She waved me off and went back to kissing her boyfriend.

I walked out and shut the door behind me. My back was against the door, sliding down slowly onto the floor, I put my face in my hands.

"Maya, are you okay?" a silvery voice asked. It was Camila Russo, I could tell.

"No, not at all," I answered, not looking up. "Caroline and I got into a fight, and now I don't have a place to stay."

"Well, my sister and I have enough room in our apartment. You can live with us, If you want," she offered.

I finally looked up at her. "Seriously?"


"I don't want to be a burden," I objected.

"You won't be. Franny'll be okay with it," she assured me.

I contemplated and thought of every bad thing that has happened to me while living with Caroline.

"Sure, why not."

"Great, I can pick you up tomorrow at three."

"Thanks you, so much."

"No problem." She smiled and knocked on Willow's door.

Now I just need a place to stay tonight. Maybe Willow will let me stay in her room.

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