Chapter Thirty- Epilogue

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For the past months, Maya and I haven't had any problems in our relationship. I haven't had any problems with her family, either. Well, maybe except with Brandon. But the two of us are just passive aggressive toward each other, we're working on it, though for Maya.

At school, we got questions. Maya would tell people that it's our relationship, and that it's none of their business. I love how mean she could be to people who deserved it. I also love how easy it is to make her happy.

"Walk with me, love," Maya said in my ear. It was my and my siblings' birthday. The big twenty. We were celebrating at our old house in our backyard.

I followed Maya, we were walking by the river. She stood in front of me and held my wrist. I felt something cold around it. When she lifted her hand off my wrist, I saw a silver charm with a rose-shaped diamond pendant.

I smiled, tampering with the charm.

"When we went to the mall, I saw you eyeing this when we passed Adelaide's," Maya said. "It's kind of a promise charm, you know, like a promise ring. I like to think of the charm as a representation of my heart, because, well . . . you have my heart."

Tears were brimming my eyes, not because I was sad. But because I'm extremely in love with Maya. I looked up at her and kissed her fervently.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you more," she returned. I would argue with her on that statement later. Again, I pressed my lips against hers, she kissed me back with the same energy.

"You always have my heart, Maya."

I'd never understood the importance of love until
now. Love is a lot of things. It can hurt you, change you, make you want to change yourself, satisfy you . . . It's a beautiful thing. And I want this beautiful thing I share with Maya to last forever. She is my infinity, I can't lose her. She has my heart and I know she won't break it. Now that I know I have hers as well . . . I'm going to take care of it.

The End.

Story #2 done. Thank you to the few people who read this! I really appreciate it😘. I'm going to miss Maya and Francesca🥺. I hope you enjoyed this and I especially hope you enjoyed the ending! I know this was short compared to WA, but I may come back to this, you never know.

I will let you all know when I'm coming out with another story. Love you all!🤍

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