Chapter Three

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I didn't spellcheck this

"I don't want to fight with you," Delilah said over the phone.

"I don't want to fight with you either," I replied while finding a parking spot.

"Can we go out tonight?" she asked.


"I'll figure it out."


We didn't say bye to each other, no I love you, not that we've ever said it before. I hung up first.

I grabbed all my shopping bags and headed to my apartment. I heard Camila's voice while unlocking the door. I went to the kitchen and dropped my bags. Maya Scott and I locked eyes, she was at the counter with my sister.

"Hi, Fran," Camila greeted.

"Hey," I said, still looking at Maya. Maya's eyes wandered about.

"Hi," Maya said. I was done saying my hellos already.

"Franny, let me help you with your bags," Camila offered. She grabbed my hand and I followed her to my room.

"Why is she here?" I asked.

"She and her roommate Caroline got into a fight so I allowed her to stay with us." She put my bags down.

"So? What does that have to do with us?"

Camila rolled her eyes. "C'mon, Fran, don't be like that."

"How long?" I inquired.

"As long as she'd like," she countered. "She's going to stay in the room that was originally my walk-in closet."

"I'm not sharing a closet with you."

"You don't have to." I contemplated on having one other person with me. "She won't bother you."

"I know she won't bother me. She'll probably be too scared to talk to me," I muttered the last part.

I ignored Maya for majority of the day. I flitted to one of the moving boxes my clothes were in and searched for an outfit. Then, I figured that if I'm going on a date, I should probably wear Camila's dresses. Since we have different bodies and I have a model's height and she's five foot, her dresses would be short and tight on me. My legs will be shown off, more body will be shown. Perfect.

I put on a blue mini dress of hers and a necklace as well. I grabbed my purse and headed to Delilah's car when I got a text that she was here.

We drove in silence to the restaurant. We finally talked after ordering.

"I'm sorry," Delilah said.

I took her hands in mind and smiled.

"You're not going to say you're sorry?"

"Say sorry for what?" I asked.

"For acting like an, forgive me, asshole to me."

I scoffed. "An asshole? You called me 'materialistic' just because I think retail therapy is the solution to my problems."

"Look, I don't want to date someone who acts vain and conceited."

"Why are pretty girls who are aware of their beauty always labeled as 'vain,' and pretty girls who don't acknowledge their looks, like you, praised?"

"I'm not saying you're vain for knowing you're beautiful. I just . . .  never mind."

"No, tell me," I demanded.

"I— I think we should break up. I just don't want to date someone who's standoffish and okay with it."

"It's not my fault people are intimated by ms. I can't help how they feel."

"Franny, you verbally attack people who accidentally bump into you. You're just mean."

I bit my lip and sat back in my chair. "I'm going to go, because you're genuinely a nice person even though you just called me mean, and I don't want to say anything that'll hurt you and something I'll regret." I stood up slowly.

"Fran, I apologize."

"No, no, I—" I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Bye." I left money on the table, I don't know how much but it should cover her meal.

I walked for quite a long time, kind of wandering in circles. What's wrong with me? Am I really a terrible person? I'm a great person, and if Delilah can't see that then she doesn't deserve me.

A man bumped into me, I looked back at him

"Excuse you!" I hissed. He could've at least said sorry or excuse me.

"What, bitch!?" he snapped. I gave him the finger. "Yeah, back at you, bitch."

"Call me another bitch, I will have five mafia men standing outside your house, broke ass. I bet you don't even have a hundred dollars in your pocket," I countered.

"Don't get fucked up, shorty. I will still drag you, I don't give a fuck if you're a female or not," the man replied.

"I wish you fucking would. I swear on parent's grave, I will get people to fuck you up. Keep playing with me." The man didn't reply after that.

He'll get his later.

A/n: Fran took BLM out of her profile after this. Lmao jk.

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