Chapter Twenty-Six

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After Thanksgiving dinner, Maya, Camila and I said our goodbyes to everyone and went back to the hotel we were staying at. Camila had her own room while Maya and I stayed together in the same room.

Maya plopped herself on the big white bed, her arms spread out by her sides.

"I'm stuffed," she groaned. Maya had a good time hanging out with my family and getting to know them. I wonder if it's going to be easy for me with her family, getting along.

"So when am I going to meet your parents?" I asked her.

"Ummm," she began and sat up slowly. "Whenever you want." She smiled.

"Really, whenever I want?" I clarified.

"Yeah." She smiled a little.

"So you told your family about us?"

"Uh-huh." She nodded eagerly. "They're um, they're really happy for me."

It made me happy that Maya's parents had accepted our relationship.

"That's good. So is next Saturday okay for me to meet them?" I verified.

"Yeah, yeah, Saturday's good!"

"Good." I kissed Maya quickly and then made my way to the bathroom for a shower.


I made sure to listen closely for the water coming out of the shower head. And when it did, I buried my face in the white pillow to cry.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid unforgivable liar!" I quietly chanted to myself.

Why did I lie to her? Why didn't I just tell her the truth? The truth would hurt her, though. Last time I told her I didn't tell my family about us, she had this devastated look, as if there were something wrong with her. This devastated look hurt me in a way that I can't describe.

And so, I lied to her to avoid meeting this devastated look again.

The day after we arrived to PA, I decided to call my dad and let him know that I'm coming over for dinner and bringing a friend.

"Hey, Maya, what's goin' on, kiddo?"

"Hey, Dad. I just wanted to know if it was okay for me to come over for a little family dinner, since I missed Thanksgiving?"

"Sure, why not? What day?"

"I'm free on Saturday."

"Saturday it is."

"Can I bring a friend, too?" I entreated. "Francesca?"

"Sure, the more the better," he enthused.

"Great, see you, then."

"'Kay, love you."

"Love you, too," I returned, then hung up.

Okay, I just have to get through dinner with my parents, and with Francesca, my "friend."

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