Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Come on, Maya, one more," I pressed my love.

"Fifty," she breathed. I had Maya working out with me, not because she was unfit or anything, but because I simply wanted to do something with her.

I also liked seeing her in the spandex shorts and sports bra I picked out for her, and she admitted to me that she liked seeing me in my spandex bodycon romper.

We'd done twenty-five jumping jacks, twenty push-ups, thirty sit-ups, and fifty squats. All in the living room.

Maya downed the water in the Poland Spring bottle, wiped her lips with the back of her hand and sighed.

"Do you want to get in the shower first?" Maya asked me.

"You can go in first," I said, then I had an epiphany. "Uh, how about we take one together?"

"Uh, okay." She seemed hesitant, it certainly wasn't my intention to make her feel that way.

"Only if you're comfortable."

"I am comfortable." She said this with certainty.

"Are you sure?" I pressed. I really didn't want to force her into anything.

"I'm sure." She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Okay," I breathed.

I turned on the water to a warm temperature while Maya made sure her ginger curls were secured in the pink shower cap.

"Okay, Franny, I should warn you, I'm a little hairy in my area," Maya suddenly said.

"That's fine," I assured her, I didn't feel that my reassurance was enough. "Maya, we're women. We grow hair in places we'd rather not, you don't have to feel insecure about that."

I then remembered all the times she's made little snide comments about her body. "Actually, you don't have to feel insecure about body either, especially not around me. I find you to be uncommonly ethereal." This made her smile her heavenly smile. "Honestly even if you didn't look like you, that wouldn't change the fact that you're still alluring."

"How do you always think of such nice things to say?" she wanted to know.

"I'm just being honest." I shrugged innocently.

"Well thank you."

After our shower, Maya put on my bathrobe and I put on one of Maya's oversized shirts. We went to
Camila's room. She was near her wax melting pot.

"Anyone need to be waxed before I do my arms?" my sister asked.

"Uhh, I think I want the hair on my . . . area gone," Maya uttered.

"Oh, a bikini wax?" Camila clarified.

"Yeah, that," Maya replied.

"Okay, let's do it in your room."

Camila moved the waxing kit to Maya's room, and set it on the nightstand. On her bed Maya lied down on her back. Camila applied the liquid, baby powder and then the first coat of purple wax. Maya gasped when my sister finally ripped off the dry wax.

"It's okay," I murmured to Maya and stroked her forehead. I had had enough after a few more areas were coated and ripped off.

"You're hurting her," I snapped at my sister and pushed her shoulder.

"Not intentionally, it's her first time getting waxed, it's going to hurt," she snapped as well and pushed me back. "She's done, anyways. Sorry, Maya."

"It's okay," Maya assured my sister and put her panties and my robe back on.

Maya let me pack her bag for Washington. I was thrilled for her to meet the non-vulture-like people in my family, however I couldn't say the same for her. Based on her body language and the v creased in her forehead; she was worried about meeting my family, worried that they wouldn't like her, worried that they won't except her.

Seeing her distressed—distressed me.

"Is there anything I can do to assuage your apprehension?" I impetrated, joining her on the carpet, sitting tailor styled as well.

She sighed. "No."

"Are you sure?" I begged.

"I'm sure," she lied.

Maya was easy to read, and she knew that. She wasn't fine, but, if she wanted me to leave it alone, then that's what I was going to do. And so, I kissed her cheek, and left the conversation at that.

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