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Carlos woke up startled by yet another nightmare. His eyes now had purple bags under them that stuck out terribly. What would Cecil think if he saw him now? Wanting Cecil to be happy when he got home Carlos began scrubbing the small apartment from top to bottom careful not to miss even the smallest blood splot or bone. Thinking about his crush's smile when he saw his sparkling house made Carlos' s stomach flip.

After a quick lunch break he decided to run to the park to relax. The park was located next to the dog park... The grass was much greener and the benches were nicer there but everyone knew better than to enter the dog park... only bad things happen there. Ignoring his better thoughts Carlos glimpsed at the hooded figures and realized that one in the center had it's hood down! From this angle he could not see anything but gray blobs. Maybe this would be enough of a big deal for Cecil to broadcast about it! Not being able to wait another moment for Cecil to return home to tell him the news, Carlos set off for the radio station.

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